
Hire Out this Remote Controlled Android for Your Next Event


Quick. How do you get the attention of a room full of Japanese people? Robots. Big remote controlled robots. And that is exactly what this RIC Android did at the Google Developer’s Day in Tokyo. The big green Droid can walk, move its arms, and open wide to reveal a set of speakers all through commands sent over Wi-Fi from an Android phone.

And Google wants to hire the thing out to those willing to pay the price. No, this ain’t a two cent hooker. This big boy will go for $6,200 a day. A small price to pay if you need to keep those Japanese business men in town to decide whether or not they want to invest in your app startup busy all day.

[via Gizmodo]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Betcha there’s a midget in there!

  2. It would be better if it had beer in it.

  3. Japanese get freaky with their robots.

  4. I agree JBaker… When it opens up, instead of it having speakers inside there, they should make that a cooler that would fill up. Then when I’m sitting outside by the pool and I need another beer, all I have to do is pick up my phone and have my Android bring it to me…

  5. Step 1) get the Android Robot
    Step 2) Find an Apple Store
    Steo 3) Have Fun!!!

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