
HTC Desire HD, LG Optimus One to be Offered by T-Mobile UK


T-Mobile UK’s getting early dibs on announcing availability of two of the newest phones from LG and HTC. Product pages have gone live for both the HTC Desire HD officially unveiled earlier today and the previously announced LG Optimus One. As for the former, they do nothing outside of listing the specs we’ve learned about today: a 4.3-inch touchscreen, HD video recording and playback, and 8-megapixel camera, and 4GB of internal memory. You can sign up to be notified about the device’s launch once that time comes.

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As for the Optimus One? It’s receiving similar treatment, though T-Mobile’s keen on calling it the “Navigation Edition.” Perks are that it comes pre-installed with Google’s Maps suite (which is nothing special) and will be bundled with a car dock and charger. I can’t say I’d be too angry at this package at all, price pending. They are also taking down names and email addresses for that one so be sure to head on over there if this is something that entices you.

[via EuroDroid]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

HTC Desire Now Available From Cellular South for $149.99

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  1. Ugh…I wanted the Desire Z on T-Mobile!

  2. Winsauce.

  3. I really hope they get Desire Z too. I need a hardware keyboard. If not then it will be goodbye t-mobile so I can upgrade from my ageing G1.

  4. The Desire Z is essentially the G2 w/sense UI. I am keenly interested in the HTC Desire HD however, coming to the States. In addition to the great speed etc. it comes with a beautiful on-board eReader which will allow me freedom from having to carry a third party eReader such as that Apple thingy. It also has a Contacts feature which shows your list of contacts and the most recent contact that you had with them. Giving you the option to Reply, update or whatever, on the fly. I love that! The 4.3 screen has enough real estate for me to enjoy all of my streams and gives me the space to move my widgets around to my liking. Now if they can add a scratch proof screen that I can see through in sunlight, I’d be a happy camper come Christmas time. This is my front-runner for the 2010 End Of Year/Christmas Phone Frenzy.

  5. Why does T-Mobile USA let every good phone go to T-Mobile UK. They’re the best all around other parts of the world except the USA WTF wrong wit them. All I gotta say is step ur game up T-Mobile or pay the consequence

  6. with T-Mobile being a europen company they are pushing the phones out to the home countries first

  7. I actually used to work for T-Mobile Uk and at least at the time, T-Mobile US was seen as a completely separate company with no connection other than the brand. Also I believe that all US phones have to go through the FCC which may slow things down a little, I’m not sure about that though.

  8. @omg: ? Desire HD is GSM version of HTC EVO 4G.

  9. will it come to T-Mobile Germany too?

  10. jesus god of all thats holy, if your listening bring that desire HD to US T-mobile and not that childrens phone touch HD crap. T mo needs that here in the states and i was the main one that said 4″3 in screen was to much screen for me but i lied, i lied hard. I want that phone and thats why i wont get the G2. i shall wait, and that says alot….just look at my name

  11. @G1-and-only, i second that prayer!

  12. Desire HD desperately needs to come to Tmobile. Tmobile has all crap Android phones other than the Vibrant. If they were the first to offer Android and are self-called Android experts, they need to have high-end devices like the Desire HD offered in the United States and not Europe. All the other companies have a 4.3 inch Android device other than AT&T which sucks anyway and Tmobile. Tmobile needs to step up their game or risk being left in the dust. They’re already going broke. Maybe they are waiting for the merger with Sprint to get a 4.3 inch device, namely the EVO 4G. LOL

  13. Is it possible to get the htc desire hd from the uk and have it on a network over here in us?

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