
HTC Desire Now Available From Cellular South for $149.99


On Monday, we told you guys the HTC Desire would be headed our way mid-week for Cellular South. Guess what today is? That’s right, the HTC Desire is now available from the regional carrier for $149.99 after a two-year contract and an instant rebate. The HTC Desire exploded as one of the most popular Android devices in Europe as it followed the superphone Nexus One (with the obvious difference of being Sense-laden). If you need a high-powered Android phone but don’t want to break away from Cellular South’s service, then look no further.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


[via AC]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. YAY! Still can’t afford it thanks to the recent increse of the “device replacement fee” for early upgrades.

  2. sweet… I think i’m going to wait for the Galaxy S though…

  3. when is this coming to SPRINT!!!!! we need a 3.7 inch phone!!!

  4. Yeah, I’m not sure which one I’d get either. I like HTC’s Sense UI over the others (mostly due to their own brand of widgets over Samsung’s). But, I read that battery life is better on the Galaxy S, Desire has flash!, S’s screen is BIGGER, S’s processor is a hair faster, but Desire has the physical buttons. Decisions, decisions. Good thing I have to wait till at least December to decide.

  5. Galaxy’s S GPU is waaaay better:
    It can do like 90 million triangulations per second while the Desire’s is only like 20ish millions per second.. This will make games/video run way smoother on the Galaxy.

    Also most people say that the Galaxy S doesn’t need a flash, it has a low light setting that can take good pics in low light.

    I just hope they hurry up and release the Galaxy S.. Hopefully next month!!

  6. Your right, a 3.7″ Android phone @ 149.9 would be nice.

  7. Spoke w/CS rep today about the release for the Galaxy S. I asked about the December-ish release date. He didn’t think even THAT was likely to happen. He also said the only Android device that was released “close” to when it was slated was the Desire. So, estimates would say Galaxy S slated for Christmas release; so expect it by June! :)

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