
Developers Still Eating Up That Trusty Nexus One


Just because Google halted official sales of the device through their own distribution site doesn’t mean that they’d have an unlimited supply of Nexus Ones for which to sell to developers through the Market publisher backend. The devices are on backorder from HTC, however it’s not clear if this is due to legitimate shortages (AMOLED) or if it’s because the device is just that damn desirable. Google’s Tim Bray didn’t do much in the way of clarification, but nevertheless, the Nexus One is still selling and selling quite well.

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A couple of weeks ago, we arranged that registered developers could buy an unlocked Nexus One via their publisher page in Android Market. We think it’s a good development platform and a nice phone. Apparently, you agree. Somewhat too many of you, in fact; we blew through the (substantial) initial inventory in almost no time, and they’re back-ordered from HTC, who are doing a pretty good job of managing runaway success amid a worldwide AMOLED shortage. Everyone appreciates that it’s important to the platform to get phones in the hands of developers, so we’re working hard on re-stocking the shelves; stand by.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. It’s still an amazing phone. I bet some people are signing up as developers just to buy it. I would if I didn’t already have one.

  2. any confirmation if the ones that WERE shipping were SLCD or AMOLED? I wouldn’t mind getting another Nexus, but NOT with AMOLED…

  3. Boy am I glad that I ordered mine the last week before Google shut the door. Great phone. We have two N1s – absolutely no regrets.

  4. I sold my AT&T Nexus One a week ago for $600, after I had used it for 6 months.

    I definitely miss it sometimes(rocking the G1 now with CM6), but life does feel good $600 heavier…

  5. Being a developer phone, does Google push updates to it, or is the “developer” on his own to download the OS source, compile, and install?

  6. i like super lcd over amoled

  7. @Mark
    Google still pushes updates. A “developer” here simply means someone developing applications for Android (or at least someone with an intention of developing applications for Android). It definitely doesn’t imply they’re responsible for maintaining the system themselves.

  8. it’s a great device. i’m still carrying it over my iphone 4 and captivate when i leave my desk.

  9. Im surprised no one has mentioned that the developer version is pentaband and works on all networks.

    Anyhow i’ve had three of these by now and everytime i think im gonna like i go back to my blackberry. Just bought a moto charm a few days ago, and im loving it. Best of both worlds, might drop the bb for it.

  10. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

  11. I do think that Nexus One was a bit failure. Of course people were buying it but it was really far from perfect because it was not better in any aspect than other phones in market.

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