
One Click Root? Nexus One Does That Too


If you just nabbed a Nexus One either through Google’s developer dashboard or some other means, you may still be interested in rooting it. Although rooting the Nexus One is a lot easier than most other Android handsets to date, there’s just something about the ease of a one-click solution that makes rooting it a worry-free process.

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The exploit it uses to root the device is the same exploit that was used to root the Motorola Droid X (using UniversalAndroot). UniversalAndroot actually support several other devices with the Nexus One being the latest added into the mix. The app comes with built-in unroot functionality, as well, and will also help you install custom ROMs. The best part? It’s free to download. Head on over to XDA to get started.

[Thanks, Matt.]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. we need one for the droid eris

  2. great news

  3. I will be doing this as soon as my warranty expires.

  4. That was absolutely painless.

  5. What is great about this is it will not void the warranty as it does not unlock the boot loader.

    However, I don’t see what I will get from a rooted device at this time. Froyo gave me everything I need.

  6. @jdog

    I think you should do it before it expires, then you could get a replacement if anything were to go wrong. Just don’t tell them you rooted obviously =)

  7. @david
    im a little confused, i thought that you couldn’t add roms if the bootloader was locked?

  8. anything for htc hero?

  9. Thanks for spreading the news on this Quentyn, hope you don’t mind my picking it up on mobilitydigest, threw you a little link love.

  10. I cant get the app to install: It keeps sayin cannot parse package and the link to the blogsite does not work? any help

  11. does this also unlock the bootloader? or does it root without unlocking the bootloader?

  12. Does this just gives you rooted ability only? Do you still need to dl radio files, recovery images, and partition the sd for ext3?
    After seeing a friends Droid X and how much room she has for apps, I’m going to throw in the towel and try this but don’t know about all the extra’s that might need to be tweaked in order to run Cyanogen’s latest mod. Help, anyone? Thanks.

  13. I believe with Cyanogens mod, you can change the color to the trackball, something I wish they had in Froyo. Not that it is a huge deal, but it’s just more eye candy than anything.

  14. @LaptuaZ: support for notifications changing the trackball color did actually come with Froyo, there just aren’t any global settings for it and most of the default Google apps don’t support it. But with apps like SMS Popup or Gmail Notifier you can customize the trackball colors for certain things to your hearts content.

  15. Interested in this if someone can confirm to me that this won’t void my warranty (by putting that open padlock on my bootup screen) and i can flash new roms on my n1?

  16. I took the risk of using this app to root my unrooted completely stock Nexus One running STOCK Android 2.2 FRF91 Buid.

    and it worked…

    it doesn’t unlock the bootloader which means you do not void your warranty.

    and the app even offers you a way to unroot if you’re afraid you might not know how to handle superuser status on your phone.

  17. supposedly rooted phones can install a modified version of adobe flash which will allow you to have unblocked access to websites such as hulu

    I’m having difficulties getting the modified adobe flash apk application to work after rooting using this method.


    can anyone confirm if this works for them?

  18. I dont understand what the point of rooting my Nexus would be ?

  19. Can someone confirm that this works with the AT&T version as well?

  20. Looks brilliant!

  21. my camera doenst work after one click rooted.. any idea guys?

  22. Works great on my Nexus One (2.2).
    Very very very simple, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! :D

  23. this stopped working on Nexus One 2.2.1

    any other 1-click root app alternatives?

  24. Grecate news.gonna try it right now!thank so much

  25. This was painless and works great! Peter, Koowie.com

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