Samsung Working on Unbreakable AMOLED Display


Because they are having such an easy time keeping up with making good old fashioned AMOLED screens (oh what, they aren’t), Samsung has their mind on the future and technology that will create unbreakable AMOLED displays. How will they do this? By simply using a plastic AMOLED panel covered with a thin film transistor, and then replacing the vinyl protection sheet with a polyimide film. If that doesn’t make any sense to you, don’t worry. All you need to know is this screen will be UNBREAKABLE. And maybe you could even do this:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Samsung plans to get this AMOLED out within two years. In all seriousness, hopefully they will have figured out a way to produce the screens at a much higher capacity by then.

[OLED-Display via Gizmodo]

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  1. Love the song

  2. Wicked cool. Now if they could only turn the flexible screen into the entire phone…

  3. Nuts! I need one in my Droid 2 ;) january CES?

  4. haha
    when this song first came out a year or 2 ago i wondered what amoled meant, never saw the phone commercial so didn’t make the connection

    just in case anyone was interested its
    amoled -son dam bi and after school

  5. Samsung is really pushing the edge right now. This is awesome. This is going to open up possibilities for a whole new generation of screens that don’t need to be stiff. Imagine carrying around some rolled up AMOLED screen. Or hanging one up in the corner of your room with a slight curve to make use of the space. This is going to be cool!!

  6. AN AMOLED SONG? Before I even realized what she was saying I was reaching for Shazam. Wow that song is catchy.

  7. live wallpapers:coming soon to a room near you

  8. That’s pretty cool! I’m impressed.

    Looked like it was basically scratch resistant too. All without needing a protector.

    IzRey: That would be awesome. It’d be like having a projector in your room without having the image blurred at all. It’d make for some pretty crazy TVs and laptops too. Roll’n’go!

  9. yes but I really hope samsung is working on a screen with great color but also great rgb resolution

  10. My thoughts on par with op first kick out your technology you have at a rate to keep up with demand. Shoot this is the main reason the incredible failed. Maybe HTC is to blame just as much since they should ov done a little more research.

  11. That video is old and is this really news, the video was put up in october last year….

  12. Oh, WOW! Then maybe this news is true after all:

    Could this be on the Galaxy S2?

  13. Now if only they can make a touch sensor as durable as this display

  14. samsung innovating again this is why I love samsung.

  15. Doesn’t matter. Apple will invent this after the fact and sites like Engadget will ignore its existence until Apple has declared that they invented it and its magical.

  16. …A-A-A–mo-leh!

  17. Apple sucks

  18. Flexible oled displays have been around for years, but nobody has been able to mass produce them. Hopefully, Sammy can get it done. Samsung, I both hate you and love you simultaneously.

    Oh..and every time I see one of these I think of Minority Report.

  19. …are the girls in the song really saying “AMOLED”, or am I just going nuts?

    Very cool stuff!

  20. and of course this great tech leads to military applications :)

  21. @coasterman927: -.- i facepalmed

  22. The Incredible failed? It’s getting Froyo, 720P HD Video Recording, 802.11n and more within the next few weeks, I’d hardly call that “failed”.

  23. Mike, not by HTC. Even the evo uses the same snapdragon cpu in the HD2, a phone that was released in November LAST YEAR. If they kept with the times, they would be on par with droid x or SGS

  24. I have seeen this video like a Year ago

  25. This will also make the screens might lighter which will be very cool as well

  26. What about scratches?

  27. @ari-free just FYI the HD2 was NOT released in November last year it was released in MARCH of this year :)

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