
TELUS to Receive the HTC Triumph


What’s the HTC Triumph, you ask? Well that was what had many people scratching their heads when Mobile Syrup uncovered some TELUS inventory pics showing the device as coming to the Canadian network. But wonder no more, as it turns out the Triumph will be a rebranded HTC Desire. The Desire, as we all know, is the 1GHz Snapdragon, 3.7-inch AMOLED touchscreen kissing-cousin to the Nexus One and is currently on quite the rampage over in Europe.

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Up until now its only presence in North America seemed to be its upcoming summer release on US Cellular, but it looks like the Triumph-named TELUS version will be landing in the same time period (July/August). No pricing is known, and the reason for the name change remains a mystery. Maybe they realized what everyone DESIRED turned out to be a huge TRIUMPH…ha…ha…ehhhh.

[via Mobile Syrup]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Isn’t this basically an Incredible with hardware buttons?

  2. Ok nevermind… there are some other differences. 5mp vs 8mp camera, etc…

  3. Does Telus have 850/1900 3G?

  4. Telus has 850/2100 I believe, so it will work in some AT&T 3G markets

  5. Telus is 850/1900 but this phone will most likely come with 850/1900/2100 3g like all other hspa phones they have

  6. Wow. Amazing. Hopefully Telus treats it better than they did the Milestone with the watered down update

  7. yes! this is awesome.

  8. Nope its just a nexus one with hardware keys. Not a rebranded/redesigned incredible. Good to see the desire crossing the Atlantic, if it does aswell as it has in the UK then id get your preorders in. Took me 3 weeks to get a replacement handset because of the high demand.

  9. I heard from my local ATT retailer that the Desire was going to be released 3Q – which would coincide nicely with this release in the great white north.

    Damn this is going to be sweet. About time ATT got some decent Android love (bastardized backflip doesn’t count, and from the reviews I’ve seen – the Dell Aero with Android 1.5 and ATT spamware is something that should be avoided with at all costs).

    Another good phone due to be released around time of the HTC Desire is the HTC Legend and there is reportedly a Motorola model coming out as well.

    Anybody else heard anything?

  10. The Desire is an amazing phone.

  11. I just bought the desire a couple of weeks ago. It exceeds all my expectations by a long way. Just an all round brilliant phone. If you’re a Canadian looking for their next phone then don’t think twice about buying the Triumph. Don’t even think at all in fact. Just do :)

  12. i absolutely love this phone. the only thing though is that im pretty sure it will come with 2.1, and with 2.2 coming in a matter of a month or so, i dont want to wait another 6 months for htc/telus to release the update.

  13. Bring this phone to the US!

  14. I agree with Russell, I had very high expectations for my Desire, and it exceeded them all. I previously had a Nokia N95 and didnt think it would be able to do much that the N95 couldnt as the N95 has web browsing, GPS, accelerometer, OVI store, maps, etc, but I was just amazed with how much functionality the Desire has.

    Just when I thought the phone couldn’t get any better Google released voice navigation in the UK and my expectations were exceeded again. My phone is a much better SatNav device than any dedicated SatNav device that I’ve come across.

    I’m sure my expectations will be raised again with the release of Android 2.2. The Desire is awesome and just keeps getting better.

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