
T-Mobile MyTouch 3G Officially Official


Ever since the HTC Magic hit Europe we’ve been waiting for T-Mobile USA to get the goods. After making a quick appearance as the Google Ion at Google I/O, the T-Mobile MyTouch 3G is finally official for T-Mobile USA! You can check out the official site at http://T-MobileMyTouch.com:

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So what is different about the MyTouch 3G compared to the Magic and Ion? Not all that much – more all intents and purposes they are the same phone but there are a couple key differences:

  • Focus on UI customization in the form of themes, wallpapers and icons
  • Sherpa – called an “exclusive app” – learns your search pattern to anticipate your preferences for local shops, restaurants and more
  • Available in Black, White AND Merlot


And those are just about the only differences. The MyTouch 3G will be available in early August for $199.99 on a 2-year contract but current T-Mobile customers will have the priveldge of pre-ordering the phone on July 8th.

How many folks out there are itching to get their hands on this?

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Where is this fast 3g network at they mention in the countdown page?

  2. More aesthetically pleasing than the G1 but the features are “roughly” the same. I will pass on this one. I love my hard keyboard.

  3. So all this hype was for a release date that’s still is not even announced. Cus “early august” really doesn’t mean anything. Tmobile is a KON. Mind aswell wait for 3rd Qt and get the huewei

  4. very disappointing! all this hype and we still have to wait until August to get it?! plus, 3.2 camera NOT 5MP rumored and the screen quality, 320×480?? WTF I guess I’ll keep waiting or switch to AT&T (no happy)

  5. Anyone have any specs on this? Like does it hold up to the iPhone 3Gs’s hardware or is it going to be “the bare minimum” put in the phone like the G1?

  6. I’ll wait for the Hero or Lancaster.

  7. I’m still waiting on confirmation on whether or not this phone will support UMA. That may be a dealbreaker for me.

  8. You could keep yo Jay Leno chin as Hero..I’m gettin dis sexy BiAtch!

  9. They need to take their thumb out of their asses and get more Android phones out on shelves. Sure, the MyTouch/Magic/Ion is nice, but it’s enhancements compared to the G1 are becoming less and less impressive as the months pass by and other manufacturers release shiny new handsets.

  10. Ill wait to see the Magic or hero…

  11. No hard keyboard, No sale.

  12. exchange support is nice…would like to have it for the G1.

  13. What happened to the 5mp camera? :-/ Does anybody know how much external memory it will support? microSDHC to 32GB?

  14. Sexy, but no physical keyboard.. I’ll keep my G1 until they have a sexy phone with android, full qwerty hardware keyboard, more internal memory and full bluetooth access.. stereo headsets, file transfer.. and a camera flash would be nice.

  15. early august? The hardware is already out-dated by then. They should’ve released the phone months ago…

  16. Despite all of the rumors pointing to a June release, I got sick of waiting for Tmo to say anything about a release date, and I ended up getting a Pre. Looks like I made the right call.

    I’m only mentioning this because I know how much you all care about what phone I decided to go with. Now you know.

  17. How can they type on it with such screen size !!! I find it extremely frustrating to type using the keyboard on my g1 (unless im typing a word or something), i thought that iphone software keyboard was annoying but the bigger screen size is definitely something that smartphone manufactureres have to consider.

    One more thing, what do they mean with “Focus on UI customization in the form of themes, wallpapers and icons” ?!! Are they getting any kind of custom home screen or what?

  18. “Focus on UI customization in the form of themes, wallpapers and icons” ?!! Are they getting any kind of custom home screen or what?

    Yah,… what is going on? Better icons or something?

  19. hey Dave, how do you like the Pre?

    is it worth me spending $200 to cancel my contract with tmobile?


  20. Man…..!!!! Less money than the new iphone,and better
    phone prices than at&t can wait….!!!!!

  21. I sort of like the merlot one…

  22. About the memory:
    The myTouch only comes with 512MB of internal memory, but it does come with a 4GB microSD card which is nice but I would have liked to have seen the 4GB internal and then have the additional microSD slot for expansion later if needed. A 32GB microSD card will set you back over a $100 bucks, and that’s just to get the my Touch on the same playing field as the 32GB iPhone 3G S.

    Source: http://techfragments.com/news/907/Hardware/T-Mobiles_Android-Based_My_Touch_3G_Announced.html

  23. I WAS planning on buying this phone back when it was rumored to be hitting stores in July. Now… I’m not so sure. My contract is up July 11th and I’m itching to get my hands on some Android goodness… I might have to settle for the G1 just to accomplish that. You would think they could get this to market faster given the fact that the phone has been out for so long in Europe already.

  24. Okay guys I live in the UK and the htc magic is a total disaster first of all here its on orange (they fair use policy on internet is 500MB where as tmobile’s is 3GB) I got a G1 using the touch screen keyboard is near impossible not making typos and the htc magic has the same screen size I mean iphone users complain about their keyboard but they have a 3.5inch screen! Keyboard seems like major draw back to hackers. The only thing that’s good about this phone is its slickness and size that’s all. Guess waiting for the android phones to come seems like a productive thinking.
    I still hope that the making of HTC magic is a huge lesson for HTC not to make such a crappy phone

  25. That price is too high! For the same price the new Iphone
    3gs comes with 16gb of memory. I’m not saying I’m gonna buy an iphone, but its a better deal. They also have a faster processor and a Bigger screen and a headphone jack! Id pay $99 with a two year contract for the mytoucg 3G, or $199 with no contract

  26. Yeah bob but, than ur paying 399$ for a 32gb iphone and you
    Have to be an xisting customer do the math
    . And the iphone is not an open source..
    so no flashy for the iphone on the near future

  27. Dear God I love TMo (9yr customer here) but they NEED to kick this HTC trash to the curb and get the i7500 or the Bigfoot in the store.

  28. This is some info for everybody and for Bob
    So mytouch wil have 512 mb hhhhhhum……!!!! Yeah
    I think wait I know I’ll choose mytouch any day…thnx

  29. It’s actually a reasonably slick and functional device. Reviews of the HTC Magic (same device, different branding) have been uniformly above average. The only gripe seems to be with the image quality taken with the camera. They could have invested in a higher pixel count or at least a better lens.

  30. What a relief to find a fan blog filled with people who know when they are being sold a lemon.

    No headphone jack?! What the hell is wrong with these people? That is a move of Microsoftian ignorance.

    There are obviously many, MANY more problems that will ultimately repulse myself and others from this phone/plan, but I am not here to give uncompensated quality control feedback. Just wanted to chime in with a general “this sucks and I am not in the least interested in buying it” and move on with my day.

  31. Actually jo, the HTC Magic’s on Vodafone, not Orange, and it has a 3GB fair usage policy, not 500MB.

  32. The mytouch is deff. good enough to wait for, all the songs that you can put on the phone can be turned into ringtones. Unlike the iphone all the games are free. also the touch keyboard is really easy to use and it doesnt have that much typing errors. Another thing is when you turn the phone sideways it makes the keyboard move too so it seems bigger. and there is a headphone jack,the headphones have a usb type connection that plugs into the bottom of the phone. So trust me, this phone is worth the wait.

  33. I have been with t-mobile since 2003 and have had so many different phone’s with them. So now am happy that T-mobile is coming out with the mytouch, there going to be something the everyone like and dislikes, about every phone that come out. I think the big differnets is unlike the iphone the Mytouch is cover if something happens. Am going to give the phone a 10 just based on look’s, but once I receive the phone then I will give my full review

  34. TMO released T-Mobile MyTouch 3G Officially Official on June 22, 2009, and the My Touch slide is coming out June 2,2010 with 2.1.
    I Met a TMO sales rep last week June 22 and she was using and showing me the MyTouch Slide.
    I would assume now the SOMETHING BIG on June 19 maybe Froyo,
    new price plans, increased internet speed, and accessory sales for the Slide. I don’t think it will be a Nexus One since TMO changed the mind in selling Googles N1 a month or more ago.

  35. how do i get my keyboard to turn sideways?

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