
ASUS to Unveil Cloud Computing Developments at Computex Taipei


It looks like ASUS is getting ready to step up their media game on their smartphones, tablets and PCs as they have confirmed that a cloud computing-based announcement is due at this year’s Computex. The show, hosted in the company’s hometown of Taipei, Taiwan, will let us in on ASUS’ latest developments which is believed to be a media-streaming solution not unlike iCloud or Google Music with movies. It isn’t out of the question to think that other types of files and documents will be accessed from the cloud. We can’t assume much, but we’re not far from the show as it kicks off June 5th, 2012. Watch the video of the announcement above. [via Electronista]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Yawn.

    1. because your life is full of excitement!

  2. Just say no to the cloud. Local is where it is at.

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