
Chinese New Year: Year of the Dragon Special Edition Android Toys by Dead Zebra Available Tomorrow


The folks at Dead Zebra are coming out with an absolute thriller of a series to commemorate the recent turning of the Chinese New Year (Year of the Dragon). The three Android toys are all decorative with traditional Chinese flavor. They’re aimed at the Asian market primarily but Dead Zebra has been kind enough to bring a few sets to the United States!

The bad boys you see above will go on sale starting tomorrow in two batches. The first batch will go on sale on their set at 11am eastern with the second being made available at 11pm eastern. You’re getting a set of 3 for just $29, quite the deal considering how fast these will go. Sales are limited to one per household. Be up bright and early to get your clicking fingers ready! [Dead Zebra]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Pretty damn cool. Just not $30 worth of cool… that’s more than 10% of my future Asus 7″ tablet!

  2. That red and green one looks pretty sweet! Any others here born year of the dragon? :)

  3. Is it just me, or do they not really look like Androids?

    1.  Just you.

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