While Android Market reviews do a pretty good job of providing a snapshot of user experiences with an app, they have only told half the story. With a myriad of Android devices running various versions of the OS on top of different hardware configurations, some devices will handle applications better than others. With an update to the Android Market’s web interface, these differences are now accounted for via review filters. Reviews now display the name and software version of the device tied to any particular user. Clicking a hotlink next to the device info will filter reviews to match only that criteria, great if you want to see exactly how an app or game runs on your specific handset.
A few other cosmetic tweaks have been made to the site’s appearance, but review filtering is by far the most noticeable. We suspect the functionality may find its way into the mobile version of the Market, but no telling when that may happen.
[via Android Market | Thanks to those who sent this in!]
Happy to hear this.
Great to hear.
Hope it will affect my downloads. ;)
This is a very nice addition to the web market.
Looks like the link next to the device info isn’t a filter-by thing but a direct link to a specific review. Probably for linking on forums and all that.
Developers are already waiting any form of posting an answer to each user’s comment. :(