
Verizon Stores Receiving Samsung Galaxy Nexus, 12/9 Release Further Confirmed


Just as reported yesterday, Samsung Galaxy Nexus units have begun arriving in Verizon retail stores. We have the photographic evidence to prove it, too. A friend passed along the above image of a newly received Nexus awaiting activation. Our source says this particular store received twenty GNex handsets. When asked about a release date, a December 9th launch was once again confirmed.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Further lending credence to a release on the 9th is this recently uncovered document purporting to be a Verizon equipment update list. You will see 12/9 for the Galaxy Nexus as well as a 12/12 date for the Xyboard series of tablets and 12/22 for the Motorola Droid 4, so take the above document as you will.

[Thanks, Whit!]

Kevin Krause
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  1. The elephant man ran out of peanuts

    1. I’m gonna count that as this post now containing that phrase. Do I win for noticing it? I think I should… :)

      1. we can all dream, can’t we?

  2. Nice.

  3. The picture?  Ok, yeah, that could be legit.
    The document?  I’m just gonna ignore it.

  4. When can I order online?

    1. i’ve tried everyday with verizon for the last 2 weeks :) still no dice

  5. No elephants here :)

  6. First thing I searched for on this page was “elephant” :) haha

  7. lol…even tho it’s about the nexus, i don’t even care – just searching “The elephant man ran out of peanuts” instantly

    1. i have a vague feeling that it will be cleverly disguised and not easily searchable in the page. :) (like a small image or even worse having to look at HTML code for a tag) lol

      1. ya, i have a program searching for the word in images too. this is mine!

        1. i didn’t mean an image with words…like an actual image of a elephant shaped human! :)

          1. crap. O_o

            /rethinks strategy

  8. elephants?

  9. First!!!

  10. I’m so glad these confirmations are finally coming.

  11. The elephant man still has some peanuts, apparently.

  12. and the world rejoiced!  only 20 handsets though? is that kiosk? man, i hope these things don’t sell out that fast.

  13. what does Tier 1 mean?

    1. means you can only get it at a verizon store. don’t bother at best buy, costco or any of the mom n pop verizon authorized retailer

      1. Then why does Best buy have it in their systems? 

    2. I’m assuming Tier 1 means $300.

    3. it means the store gets a higher commission for selling the phone… the moto citris is tier 4

  14. oooh, i want to see the pasteur- a 10 foot tablet? wowza

    1. Well, if it is a 10′ tablet I better get that big truck and trailer to haul it. With that kind of typo, makes you go HMM? I guess we will all have to wait and really see when Verizon does come out with it.

  15. Distinctive lack of elephant men here…

  16. stop with the “e” word. It’s throwing off my ctrl+F

  17. Man.. most people don’t want to talk about the big elephant in the room.. but here every seems to want to do just that.

  18. This elephant man needs to go to the store and get MORE peanuts!
    Y U run out of peanut, elephant man?

  19. These are not the elephants you are looking for…

    1. He can go about his business….

  20. A little bit of nice…a little bit of shady…

  21. Has anyone else done the math on this?  I pay $90/mo on T-Mobile for unlimited everything.  If I wanted an HSPA+ GNex i’m looking at $700.  However, if I switch to Verizon for the GNex I’m $300 out the door and another $30 more a month.  2yr Contract on VZ = $720 more over two years then I pay on T-Mo… I’m better to freakin import this thing from Europe?

    1. I am on t-mobile in a hspa+ enabled city and I can tell you from comparison with my friends verizon htc incredible against a t-mobile mytouch4g that if it will only cost you $20 more to switch to verizon for a g-nex then just up and go for it.  Verizon network and download speeds blow t-mobile away here.  I love t-mobile, but if I didn’t have $600 worth of family plan cancellations I would consider it.  I would rather stay on t-mobile overall though.  I just hope the att deal falls through and then google sweeps in and buys up the leftover mess.  A pipe dream, I know, but man can dream cant they?

      1. Hi Jody – It will cost me $320 more to go to Verizon but I get what you’re saying.  I’m also in an HSPA+ city but I could get another 2gig of Data by going to Verizon which might be worth the extra $20 a mo alone.

        1. Anthony,  I kind of skimmed your math and missed the $320 part.  Assuming you would likely buy some sort of phone from t-mobile in the not too distant future at $200+ during the 2years you would be into at verizon it could well be worth it too you.  

    2. or you could wait until the gsm version comes out here in the states.

      1. there’s zero confirmation, never mind even a rumor of that…

    3. wrong you have a crappy network and 2gb of data if you sign up now you will have 4gb of data great network and the best customer service in the business.If you are grandfathered in for unlimited and are in a good area for t mobile just get the galaxy s2 or like you said import.But you will not have LTE and yes its fast really fast.

      1. act quick you get 4gb for the price of 2gb..thats plenty for me..tmo was great for me,but verizon usually kicks the b..however lte just went down for the 2nd time yesterday and today…but in all.it rocks.

    4. If you are in California, add in 8.25% sales tax on the full retail price…

    5. I’m with you, thats y i’m on a tmobile value plan… and i have more than 920 dollars to spend on a phone to break even with tmobile classic plan. needless to say that gives me more than 1000 to spend on a phone to break even w/ att or tmobile!

  22. Yeah, don’t have a pre order or anything.  Wouldn’t want to have any convenience for your customers.

  23. Now where is the BOGO event so I don’t have to spend $600 for my wife and I to get new phones.

  24. I am over it. Thanks Verizon.

  25. I know NOTHING!!!!

  26. XxxxX

  27. is there any way i can pay the whole amount for the phone(GNex with LTE) and buy the unlocked version without a contract from Verizon ?? Any one know how i can do this?

    1. if you plan on using it on Verizon, yes, you can simply buy it full price $700 or $800, and then use it on their network month-to-month.

      As for unlocking, you’re on your own

      1. So if i want to use it on AT&T, would you recommend that i get it off Verizon and then unlock it and use it? Or would you recommend that i get the unlocked version itself from Amazon?

        1. Well, the Verizon version wont have the proper radios for AT&T as far as i understand. You would have to get the GSM HSPA version from europe, or Amazon. The LTE version they will sell at Verizon, will not be compatible with AT&T networks. its 2 different versions of the phone….

  28. This company Goba is giving away an Galaxy Nexus to someone that tries their app this december: http://goba.co/win-a-phone

     Here’s a link to the press release for more info: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/goba-announces-an-iphone-4s-and-samsung-galaxy-nexus-giveaway-for-december-134832768.html

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