
AT&T’s Samsung Captivate Glyde Appears in Photo


AT&T’s looking to follow up the Samsung Captivate (a Galaxy S phone) with a keyboard-laden cousin. It’ll apparently be called the Samsung Captivate Glyde and was captured in an image that BGR got their hands on. Aside from the slideout 4-row QWERTY, it’ll allegedly have an 8 megapixel shooter on the back (which we expect could also shoot HD video) and a front-facing camera. We don’t see this one being more powerful than the Galaxy S II, but you never know. Take a look above.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Never heard of this phone. They aught to make it a GS2 variant instead of a GS1 variant.

    1. It is a GS2 variant…

      1. Is it ?

        1. It is.

  2. Good. Now, Samsung, make it for Sprint, and you have my money.

    1. Umm Epic 4G?

      1. epic is not a dual core phone. this is supposed to be.

        1. Yea but this details nothing. And sprint already had a QWERTY galaxy. Why would they again?

  3. Motorola is relaunching the razr line, and Samsung is making another glyde. I like it. The glyde was the first phone I ever fell in love with, tiny 2′ resistive screen with a slide out QWERTY. It was beautiful for its time.

  4. Where’s the blackberry style portrait version of this? And I don’t mean the weak M pro or the standard pro

  5. From earlier leaks it’s the keyboard version of the GS2.

  6. AT&T gets what is probably a keyboarded GSII…. Verizon gets a warmed over Epic. Way to fail, Verizon.

    At the very least, it is an upgrade to the Galaxy S line considering the better cam.

  7. http://www.bgr.com/2011/07/26/exclusive-images-of-atts-samsung-galaxy-s-ii-revealed/ This story is mad old. It was found that this phone was bound for Canada’s Rogers network(which uses the same frequencies as ATT). But, maybe ATT will get this too. The worst part is no mater how good the phone is it can’t fix ATT’s network being terrible.http://mobilesyrup.com/2011/09/22/samsung-galaxy-s-glide-coming-to-rogers/

  8. As much as I love 4.3″ screens, I miss the actual keyboard. Wonder what it would look like together…

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