
Netflix Updated to Support all Android 2.2 and 2.3 Devices


Though unofficial methods have existed to get Netflix on nearly any Android device you desire, the app has officially been updated to support all Android 2.2 and Android 2.3 devices. It took the streaming movie service some time to reach this point, slowly growing the number of supported handset from a handful of phones at the apps initial release, slowly adding more. Tablet support may still be spotty, but just like smartphones there has been little keeping the developer crowd from finding ways to stream your favorite flicks right to your Honeycomb device.

Android Market Link: Netflix

[Thanks, Micah!]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Final fuckin’ lee

  2. Doesnt work on LG thrill

  3. Nothing in Canada yet and I can’t find email to make a rant.

    1. I also live in Canada, and this APK works fine.

  4. Netflix Engineer: No you see, if we just code it to work on one device by using non standard APIs it will scale across all of android perfectly!

    Netflix Manager: Didn’t someone say there was fragmentation or something?

    Netflix Engineer: Sorry what? Oh well we can just handle that after a PR nightmare since it’s not my job to deal with customers anyways.

  5. No luck on my Thrill either. :(

  6. Whoop-dee-doo. How about giving HC official support, so I don’t have to side-load the app on my Xoom.

  7. Just installed. Got to pick a movie, went to loading screen, and froze my Eris. Sweet.

    1. That’s what it is suppose to do. Its not suppose to let you stream movies.

  8. No luck on my g2x

  9. Not on my Evo View/Flyer, either. :( It shows up on my crappy Triumph and my OG Droid, though.

  10. I just canceled my Netflix yesterday.

    1. Yeah, I cancelled mine Sep 1st.

  11. On the G2x (2.3.3 OTA Gingerbread) it crashes with a segmentation fault (signal 11) in NetflixMediaPlayer-JNI (i.e. native ARM code). I’m gonna guess that they’re making a call from their native library to some linux lib that isn’t available on the phone.

    1. NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!! I was so excited when I saw this post only to be disappointed again.

  12. Works Great as ever on optimus s.

  13. still no queue management?

  14. From the market feedback looks like netflix will not work with LG phones period!

  15. Now getting update available alerts on every action but update not available in Market for Transformer.

  16. I’ll just keep my XDA side loaded version because it works!

  17. Btw I have the HTC Sensation 4g

  18. I was able to get it to work on my Samsung Acclaim but why is it 20+ mb -even after moving to SD card when info says it’s 7mb? thought maybe had something to do with my queue but even signed out it is that large- not sure it is worth having if it sucks up that much memory

  19. Couldn’t get past splash screen on my Optimus C.

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