
Spotify Launching Tomorrow – Not Too Late To Sign Up!


Popular music streaming service, Spotify, will finally be launching tomorrow in the U.S. The service that was exclusive (for what seemed like years) to the UK, is music streaming service with tons of buzz behind it. Pricing will be $4.99 a month for streaming on the web and $9.99 a month for streaming to your mobile device. An ad supported free plan with a limited amount of songs will also be available for cheapo’s like me.

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I feel like you can never have too many music streaming services and it’s good to have options. So if that sounds like fun to you and you were looking to give it a go, be sure to sign up for an invite BEFORE the service launches tomorrow by clicking the link here.

The service launches amidst rumors circulating that Facebook will be teaming up with Spotify to offer their streaming music service, Facebook Vibes. Some are saying Spotify had to officially launch in the U.S. before the deal could be made. More details will be made officially available tomorrow so I guess we’ll be finding out soon enough.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. In my opinion, spotify only became popular here in the U.K because of the all the features that aren’t found in it’s updated form.. A facebook collaboration might be interesting though..

    1. You’re from the UK, your opinion doesn’t matter.

  2. Facebook vibe? Loooolll is it gona be like myspace with annoying songs on the side of everyones profile?

    1. No, it will be the other way around; all your friends with Spotify social enabled will be in a sidebar in the program.

      1. sounds dumb

        1. Care to tell me why?

  3. I want a service that streams movies (Netflix) and music (Spotify), together.

    Netify. Perfect.

    1. heh your name is Mitch

  4. What’s the advantage to signing up before they launch? I see plenty of breathless encouragement, but nothing that suggests some earlybird benefit.

  5. Grooveshark’s add supported free service allows for unlimited songs…I wonder how well the Spotify limit will go over.

  6. What’s the big advantage of Spotify over the other competing services?

    1. it’s not like the others?

  7. “The service that was exclusive (for what seemed like years) to the UK”.
    It has never been exclusive for UK, it was exlusive for Sweden for some time while in beta, but never for the UK. Just to clarify for AMERICURR

  8. Not sure how excited I am. This will have to best grooveshark for me to care. With limited songs and ads, it sounds unlikely.

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