
BlackBerry Hero: Curve, Bold and Tour Get Sense Theme


So you’re an Android lover who is unfortunate enough to be stuck with a BlackBerry until your contact runs its course or until an Android device of your liking hits your preferred carrier. We feel for you… we really do. And chances are that your time will come this holiday season. But if you can’t wait that long and you’ve got a BlackBerry Curve, BlackBerry Bold or BlackBerry Tour you can still bask in the partial and temporary glory of Android with the BlackBerry Hero Theme:


The dirty work was done by EThemes who have done a fabulous job working with limited resources. Advanced warning to drastically contain your excitement – this just makes some parts of your BlackBerry LOOK like it has the HTC Sense theme from the HTC Hero but don’t be fooled – only Android has the bells and whistles that make the Sense/Hero what it is today.

Nonetheless this is as close as its going to come for BlackBerry-owning Android lovers so do what you will:

HTC Hero Theme for the Curve 8900:

HTC Hero Theme for the Bold 9000:

  • Calendar, Messages, Sms/Mms Version: Download OTA (set inbox to separate)
  • Calendar, Messages (Combine) Version: Download OTA (set inbox to combined)

HTC Hero Theme for the Tour 9630

[BBRocks via IntoMobile]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Cool no word yet on the Magic/Dream Theam…

  2. Very nice use of the new tool set a+, pending performance impacts (cross.fingers).

  3. i tried to download it does not work

  4. wow everyone wants some hero

  5. …is a good themes ~ simple but cool …

  6. Page NOT FOUND!!!!!!!!

  7. OTA doesn’t work!!

  8. Oi galera, gostaria de uma ajuda, eu adquirir um pacote de TV HD no PC no site http://www.tvhd.com.br tenho acesso a vários canais através de um painel de controle que eu visualizo no próprio navegador, como eu faço para gravar os programas e série de TV no meu PC, lembrando que não tem nem um programa instalado no meu PC é todo pelo próprio navegador.
    Quem tiver uma luz por favor me ajude meu e-mail: [email protected]

  9. Its not working! Please put up a functioning link! I’d love to get this theme on my 9630 :)

  10. Dangit! doesn’t work. im looking all over for a Hero theme for my Tour 9630

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