
For Two Weeks Only, Save $100 On the Nexus S at Best Buy


The Nexus S is one beautiful device. From its subtle curves to its powerful hardware, there isn’t much for an Android fan to complain about. Did we mention its one of only two devices to offer a stock build of Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread? Sure, the Nexus One has it as an update, but that handset lacks compared to the newer Nexus S. Anyway, if you were on the fence about picking one up maybe a new deal at Best Buy could push you to the other side. From today until March 23rd the Nexus S will be offered for $100 less than its original $199.99 price tag. You’ll need a two-year contract with T-Mobile and the deal is only good for online orders, see the BB link below for all the info.

[Best Buy via Engadget]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Wasn’t there a rumor that Sprint was getting the Nexus S? Would be sweet to snag this puppy up from Sprint at that price. Dare to dream right? :) (Yes I am aware it even specifically mentions TMO in the ad)

  2. It’s coming to Sprint with a 4G radio for Sprint 4G. I guess Samsung wants to clear out some old inventory before the announcement. Sprint or 3rd party Sprint retailers will probably sell it for 100.00 or 150.00 on contract.

  3. Nexus LTE FTW

  4. If the Nexus S is one of only two devices to offer a stock build of Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread, what’s the other (please say the G2).

  5. You’ve got it backwards — the Best Buy offer is in store only, not online.

    Note that it expires on March 23, right in the middle of the CTIA Wireless 2011 Show in Orlando. Might be best to wait until the end of the offer period to see what else may be out there.

  6. That is a #winning deal! Thanks! @CharlieSheen

  7. Oh god. This is just cruel. I thought I’d finally decided between an Inspire or a Thunderbolt (or maybe an Atrix…) and then they throw this in.

    Clarification ?: If the store doesnt sell T-Mobile phones (Sprint, ATT, and Vzw only) I can’t buy it on-contract at that store?

  8. Yes…. This will be a welcomed addition to the already strong 4g SPRINT lineup and it is stock android that is so kool… A sprint Nexus S 4g will be FAR BETTER than that BOGUS 3G DEVICE ON TMOBILE…. That’s why sprint is the GRANDDADDY OF 4G ANDROID DEVICES

  9. Maybe I’ll get one. Tell me again, How do I make the flash go off when I take a picture?

  10. @ Chris
    The article straight up says yue nexus one has gingerbread as an update which means the nexus one in the other phone that runs gingerbread and how do I know this for sure you might ask? Well it’s because I’m using a nexus one with a stock 2.3.3 (gingerbread) ota update from Google

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