HandsetsTips & Tricks

Manually Update Motorola Droid to Froyo FRG22D and Install Flash 10.1



While you may or may not eagerly be awaiting the chance to snag FRG22D and install the official release of Flash 10.1, why delay it until the OTA gets around to your handset? You can download and manually install the update right now and forego weeks worth of comments saying “I’m in Grand Rapids, still no update :(” by following the simple directions below. If they look familiar it’s because you will use the exact same process as you did with the manual update to Froyo FRG01B.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Start off by downloading the update.zip file from this mirror or the update file directly from Google’s servers. Remember to make sure the file is named update.zip (and especially make sure it isn’t update.zip.ZIP).

  1. Turn off your phone.
  2. Restart it in recovery mode by holding ‘X’ on the keyboard while powering up.
  3. When a triangle with an exclamation point appears, release ‘X’.
  4. Press the volume up button and camera button simultaneously.
  5. Select “apply update.zip” from the menu with the d-pad. Enter your selection by pressing the d-pad button.
  6. The update will be applied. Select reboot phone after it is finished.

Now you should be able to navigate to Flash 10.1 in the market and download the official build. God speed, Droid nation.

[via DroidLife]

Kevin Krause
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  1. updating now! didn’t get the OTA of course, but thank you for the manuel install =]

  2. Hate to ask a newb question (even though I am a newb) but where do I need to save the “Update.zip” file? Does that need to go in the root directory or can I save it to my SD card and then tell the recovery mode where to find the file?

  3. Disregard my question… I see now that the file gets saved in the root of the SD card… Sorry bout that

  4. Do u download zip file from phone or computer,,,,,

  5. @ vinny did you do this from a pc or phone..thanks

  6. Flash did not come up for me in the Market after the update, but I downloaded the Adobe Flash Showcase, and clicked the link within that application. That took me directly to Flash 10.1 in the market and the install worked.

  7. Does this include any bug fixes, or it is just for Flash support?

  8. Works like a charm!

  9. i clicked from my phone on “directly from Google’s servers” then the name was different so i changed it to “update.zip” but then it tells me that one already exists. do i overwrite it and replace it?

  10. You can get flash on frg01b through app brain app market…I’ve had it for awhile. droid 1 stock frg01b

  11. Holy friggin crap! My phone is so much faster with FRG22D than it was the other 2.2 version. @Vincent Mac – supposedly it includes a few minor bug and performance fixes. Not entirely sure what that includes, but my phone is way faster than it had been. There used to be a 3-5s delay from unlocking to seeing icons and now it’s pretty much instant. Same with pulling up the phone app – big pause, but it’s quick as can be now!

  12. Did it…can’t believe it I did it!!!
    Now the Flash seems a bit choppy.If/when the OTA hits do I ignore it or if I accept it will it just override the manual version??

  13. FYI dont forget to add this step when downloading…

    3. Move the update.zip file to the root of your SD card:
    To move the update.zip to the root of your SD card, do the following:
    – Open Astro File Manager
    – Enter the Downloads folder
    – Press and hold on the update.zip file
    – Select “Edit” and then “Copy”
    – Now press the “Astro Up” button once which will take the root directory
    – Press the “Astro Edit” button followed by “Paste”
    The update.zip file should now be in the root directory.

  14. ok im all updated but when i go in the market and click on adobe flash showcase and then click on “get adobe flash player” and it says…”the requested item could not be found”… any ideas? any i looking in the right place?

  15. Just wondering, I rooted my 2.2 frg01b moto Droid 1 with easy root. Would it be a bad idea to try this? And anyway, will I get the ota update while rooted? (I’m kinda new to this)

  16. Long first boot just like last time. Gives me a good feeling that things are being fixed and moved around.

    Once she boots I’ll report back in. The directions are perfect as usual.

  17. im getting the same error as jason, what gives?

  18. #jason

    You want the flash player, not the showcase.

  19. Thanks for the write up. Worked like a charm. This is the second time updating it this way for me. What the heck is the deal with Verizon taking so long? Gets old.

  20. Flashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  21. It seems to be the same to me still flash still lags. will I still get an OTA because I did not get one for froyo after I manually updated the first time???????????????

  22. I also am getting the item not found error…

    hopefully its back soon :(

  23. Having problem with the update. I hold the X and get the triangle with the !, but the volume up and camera together don’t give me the normal menu. They don’t do anything. It just seems to lock at the triangle with exclamation point. I have to take the battery out to reboot.

  24. my phone say its been updated to FRG22D but i cant access flash on the market. any ideas?

  25. Great! Quadrant Standard reports 850, highest yet on my D1.

  26. Didn’t work for me! Signature verification failed… installation was aborted…! Help!

  27. @dschwa

    There’s a link when you open flash showcase thats supposed to take you straight to the market to download flash 10.1 like Jason originally said…anyways I tried looking in the market and going the showcase route and still can’t find it

  28. Nevermind! Got it to work! FLASH!

  29. I’ve noticed some speed and overall its still not what I expected, I’m still getting icon lag that I didn’t get with 2.1 :(

  30. Cue some a-hole bragging about how he’s been rooted for two months and had flash the whole time and blah, blah, blah in 5…4…3…(psst…hey, moto-roto-rooter boy….we don’t care!)…2…

  31. Didn’t work… selected the apply update.zip and it said e-signature verification failed or something like that. forced to reboot. any thoughts?

  32. Does anyone know where someone can get stock apk and odex files? I need to find the GenieWidget.odex

  33. @Nick redownload the file and try again.

  34. I did the manual update but flash 10.1 isn’t in the market so I tried what Andy suggested and grabbed the showcase, it does have a link directly to the market in it but I’m getting, “The requested item could not be found.”

    Same as adam.

  35. downloaded both .zip files and tried to upgrade from FG11. installation aborted everytime due to version verification error code 7.


  36. Downloaded the update file four times, applied it four times, it says it is complete but after the reboot the build number stays at FRG01B. What gives?!

  37. Worked like a charm. Even let me install Flash10.1! Woohoo! Thanks for the post.

  38. I finally got the market link to work from the showcase. Installed and working now.

  39. Nah… I’m just gonna wait for the official one, don’t want to brick it or void warranty, especially if Flash is lagging for some people, so it don’t matter when I get it.

  40. Amazing… phone finally works again. Thanks!

  41. I manually updated to 2.2 a couple of weeks back using this method..seriously BAD decision. (my own fault for taking the risk I guess) .. completely screwed my phone up, uninstalled and reinstalled.. still no luck. Worked great for about two days and then it started lagging, locking up, my entire contact list was lost. BIG headache. Finally had to have Verizon send me the instructions for a hard reset which did wonders. Currently running 2.2 but no OTA update notice for flash yet. When I go to adobe flash showcase or adobe link for flash player 10.1 it simply says that flash will be coming to my phone sometime late summer (Hello..its August 27th.. I think that qualifies as LATE summer) .. so..still no flash here. What gives Motorola lol..

  42. I updated my droid, but I can’t see the Flash Player 10.1 in the marketpalce. I tried to navigate to m.flash.com and clicked on install, but the market place says it cant find it. I tried the Adobe Showcase option but all it does is redirect to the same m.flash.com website and no luck. I rebooted the phone twice, any ideas?

  43. Tried it and was unsuccessfull now my phone has locked up and will not act right so tell me what gives

  44. I updated mine last night, hoping it would fix the streaming audio issue but it hasn’t. All in all the phone runs much smoother and faster from the first 2.2 release but it’s nothing to write home about. I want to be able to use Slacker and Pandora when I drive without it sounding like Tin Pan Alley.

  45. Just applied the update. And there was Adobe Flash on the front page of the market,didn’t even have to search. Watching my 1st Flash Video…ON MY PHONE! Awesome! No lags or glitches, just buffer up and go. The entire web is now open for biz!
    Now I’ll have to listen to my poor wife with her iphone4 complain even louder about not having Flash.

  46. Did you all go into settings and click to allow applications to be installed from other areas?

  47. Ok go to “settings” click on applications and click on “Unknown Sources” (allow installation of non-market applications) that should fix any problems anyone is having with it not installing. I went thru all the steps and it installed and flash player 10.1 showed up in Market after that.

  48. I have Frg01b and iv had flash on mine for weeks.
    And how do you do it right on my phone.

  49. My bluetooth won’t turn on now….is anyone else having this issue?

  50. My bluetooth won’t turn on now….is anyone else having this issue after the update?

  51. got ‘E:failed to open /sdcard/update.zip (no such file or directory) E:signature verification failed Installation aborted’ tried a couple times, took the file off the phone back on…

  52. btw, checked before the last try and it is there on the card update.zip 163MB

  53. I updated to the FRG22D last night, I don’t notice any difference in speed at all. Did get flash from the market, seems just as glitchy as the one you can get manually, so probably the same version 10.1.92 or something like that. When the video isnt glitchy, the audio is not sinked up with the video.Not impressed at all, didn’t fix the screen lag. Everytime I open an app then go back to homescreen takes 3 swipes before it responds to moving over to next screen. Also sometimes when hit the home button to go back to homescreen takes a few seconds sometimes for the icons top show back up. My wife has FRG01B, she will get OTA for FRG22D, I’ll see if hers is any better than mine. Thinking time to root?

  54. Frg22 update is killing my battery via corporate email. Anyone else having that problem?

  55. @ JJ I got the same thing… Rename with Astro File Manager from update.zip.zip to update.zip I got the update to work, but after i reboot, the version still says 2.2 like it did after the OTA.(Above pic actually says ****22D) I also found Flash 10.1 in the Marketplace after I rebooted, but didn’t notice a difference from the one I got from megaupload.com.
    HBO.com says platform not supported….
    hulu.com… same
    homestarrunner.com… works great! Thoughts?

  56. Nevermind I’m a silly goose I didn’t scroll down to the build, I was looking at the version… I have FRG22D.
    If you are having trouble with the recovery mode, holding down X with a pencil eraser first then powering up while continuing to hold X. Then trying combinations of holding up volume and camera and going back and forth until the menu comes up.

  57. Works perfect

  58. I’m with you on this update scantron. I noticed a very slight performance increase but overall I’m completely unimpressed with froyo (still slow compared to 2.1) and incredibly disappointed with flash (as glitchy as before, a/v not synced).

  59. Question…do I need to remove the old “update.zip” file from my sd card first or should I copy the new “update.zip” file over the top of the old? I did a manual install for FRG01B and the update file I used is still on my card.

  60. I still haven’t gotten the FRG22D update yet n its now Aug 28th! I got the first update via OTA n. I manually installed flashplayer10.1 Will I still get the FRG22D update via ota even though I manually installed flashplayer???

    Thanks in advances for your answers!

  61. Are these links still open? Getting unsuccessful download message from both links…. please help I also never got the OTA for rhe first 2.2 update after manually updating. HELP!

  62. Ok so i did all of the steps up until the “apply sdcard update” step. so i hit install, and it gets to verifying, then just says error in sdcard update.zip Status 7 Installation aborted. Any help..?

  63. If you don’t see flash in the market, clear cache and clear data from the “market” app. Then it will appear.

  64. Do you have to be rooted to do this? When I try to download the file it says the content is not supported on this phone??¿

  65. Aug 30, close to noon in Central PA and still no over the air. Not feeling the love for VZW right now.

  66. What do these “people” consider “Late summer” for Adobe 10.1 to become available? Aug. 31 and NOTHING. Nobody should have to manually update their phone. For what these things cost, along with the commitment & monthly charges – Verizon should get off their &ss@s and be cool to their customers! How about some communication folks. Don’t pay your bill and I’ll bet you hear from them!!

  67. OK I just downloaded the FRG22D update.zip since I did not get my OTA either. I also had trouble with getting the flash player to install. I was getting the same “could not be found”. So I tried this and it worked. Open up your browser and type “about:debug” (without the quotes) in the address bar (not the search bar) then enter or go. touch the menu button and select the “more” option. scroll down to settings. If you did this correctly there will be two other options under settings, “dump navigation cashe” and Dump V8 counters”. If those two options don’t appear repeat and try again. As I was saying select settings then scroll down and select “UASTRING”. Change your option to “desktop” from “android”. Then exit out. go back to the Market and search for Adobe flash player and you should see the app for 10.1….good luck.

  68. I get the same msg as Kevin when I tried to download the update file from both the mirror & Google sites. I have FRG01B now not rooted & it says the update is not supported on my device. Do I need to do it on my PC & move to the SD card on the Droid?

  69. — Install from dscard…
    Finding update package…
    Opening update package…
    Verifying Update Package…
    Installing Update…
    assert failed: file_getprop(“/system/build.prop”
    . “ro.build.fingerprint”) == “verizon/inc/inc/inc
    :2.1-unpdate1/ERE27/161494:user/release-keys” II
    file_getpropr(“/system/build.prop”, “ro.build.fingerprint”) == “verizon_wwe/inc/inc/inc:2.2/FRF91/231334:user/release-keys”
    E:error in sdcard/update.zip
    installation aborted

  70. Does anyone have any ideas for what I need to do to properly get the install working? I am totally confused now.

  71. Okay – I downloaded the update from Google & the file name is (signed-voles-FRG22D-from-FRG01B.688e3520.zip) I renamed it update.zip (not update.zip.zip) & moved it to my SD Card root directory. I followed the instructions above & it installed complete. I verified the phone is running FRG22D in settings about phone. Went to Market & downloaded & installed Flash 10.1. That completed successfully as well. I downloaded the Hulu app from market & clicked on a number of trailers, etc. & it says “Unfortunately Hulu is not supported on your platform. We apologize for any inconvenience.”. Hulu is the whole reason I did this in the 1st place. What’s the deal?

  72. We have a lot of people here at work who are getting it OTA like me and a lot of people who arent. I got the update this morning but my boss hasnt gotten yet so he is manually updating. I dont understand how Verizon rolls this out but it seems random. If you manually update (like I did for the last 2.2 update) you will not get an OTA notice. FRG22D isnt Flash, its an os update. You install flash from the market after you update. I am seeing speed increases with my home screens and app launches. Havnt played with Flash much, just a couple games from the showcase.

  73. I manually updated to frg01b and now would like to update to frg22d….. I have the original zip on the sd card…. should i remove and replace with the new one?

  74. nevermind…. deleted old frg01b zip and replaced with new one…. WORKED… just had to use my head….LOL….

  75. I got the OTA to FRG22D last night. Tried to install Flash 10.1 just now 3 times, and rebooted. It shows as installed, but the Open button is shaded. In Opera, m.flash.com says Flash isn’t installed on my Droid. In Steel, I can get TO games and videos through m.flash.com, but none will play. What’s wrong?

  76. I’ve successfully installed the first part of froyo to my dummy phone, and now going for the 2nd. If everything goes well, I can root this phone to metropcs and utilize flash animations on websites…4get about playing flash videos LOL.

  77. I downloaded and updated my phone but there is no difference on my phone and I still can’t get Flash. :\ Anyone know whats wrong?

  78. Take it back, I did get the Update,, but I still can’t download flash…

  79. +1 for Dan’s comment above (forgot about trying this)

    63. Dan wrote on August 29, 2010

    If you don’t see flash in the market, clear cache and clear data from the “market” app. Then it will appear.

    Thanks, Dan!

  80. BLUETOOTH Not working now…NEED FIX…can’t DRIVE and Talk…HELP!!!!

  81. Unable to download. Unknown source enabled and still no luck. Any ideas?

  82. When I try to download the file it says content not supported on this device and download unsuccessful. Its pissing me off can anybody help me?

  83. I rooted my droid with FRG01B almost 2 months ago and got the flash 10.1 as well and it worked great. I also had my phone overclocked to 850mhz which was also wonderful with a 1.85 mbps download speed and a .95 mbps upload speed, last night i got the OTA FRG22D update and it runs equally as fast as it did before w/o even being rooted and overclocked. now of course i will root my phone again as soon as i figure out how w/ the new build, and cant wait to see how fast it will run overclocked to 850mhz now…. IM EXCITED…

  84. Finally installed 2nd part of froyo and Adobe Flash Player 10.1. I didn’t even have to search for it; it just popped right up in Market. Installed Adobe showcase to find a flash site. Glitchy and out of sync, but overall awesome in all its geekness. Running on wifi right now…can’t wait for future builds on this:)

  85. I received the frg22d update, but now having a serious battery drain issue. I didn’t have this issue before and now my battery only lasts maybe a 1/2 day. Does anyone know the cause, or fix?

  86. If you are rooted and follow the instructions here or accept the Over The Air Update from Motorola you will loose root. I wish Kevin had mentioned this here for those of us less savy on the issues of rooting. For now, only way to regain root is thru a manual method which is outlined somewhre on most of the “android or droid” forums.

  87. I download a FROYO FRG01B update last month from either this side or another reputable android forum and it worked great; however, now I am getting system updates from Verizon and they keep failing with a status 7 error. I tried what was described above and still get a signed error and status 7. I have been looking for the stock rom to restore my OS to “out of the box” but am having no success.

    Here is the info for my phone:

    Motorla Droid
    Android Version 2.2
    Kernal Version: android-build@apa26 #1
    Build Number FRG01B

    Please help me.

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