
Samsung i7500 To Denmark In September


samsung_i7500While the HTC Magic is plotting an all-out European Tour of its own, some attention has been diverted to the first ever Samsung Android Phone – the Samsung i7500. And if Mobile.nu (translated) is right , it will touch down in Denmark this September, giving the HTC Magic some room to breath and citizens of Denmark reason to anxiously celebrate.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Samsung says that it is ready in the shops until September, but they indicate no price on the phone. The speculation, however, that it has a relatively low price of around 2500 dollars.

As far as I can tell, the intentions of the English translation are to say that the phone will be found in shops IN September and most of you aren’t used to $2500 being “a relatively low price” (you aren’t ballin’) because 2500 is actually Danish Krone which comes to about $440 USD. That’s assumedly before contract and rebate and all that jazz.

So, Danish Phandroids, how do you feel? Don’t get your hopes up that you’ll be the first with the i7500 because not only is this just a rumor but as we saw yesterday, another carrier/country could easily pick it up with an earlier surprise launch.

[Thanks Søren!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Samsung i7500 Gets YouTubed, Goes Private

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  1. It looks fantastic. I can’t wait to try it.

  2. Well, do you have information about the release date for the Magic? As far as I know it has not been annonced for Denmark (nor Sweden, where I’m at), so it is still possible for the I7500 to be the first ever Android phone for scandinavia…

  3. I hope the $2,500 price point is a type. $250 sounds much better :)

  4. I work at one of the largest phone companies in denmark, Sonofon or soon to be Telenor. I wonder if we will be selling this baby, I can only hope! 2500 DKK isn’t all that much.

  5. It’s out waaaay too late though. will get one from the UK, also much cheaper :D

  6. Nice to see some progress for the launch of Android phones in Scandinavia. Since the Norwegian mobile company Telenor is pretty powerful in whole of Scandinavia, I hope they’ll jump on it and get Android phones for Norway as well.

  7. I also hope for Telenor to get the contract for Scandinavia, although ths article: says that Tre will get their hands on the HTC Magic first. (the article was later removed, for whatever reason)

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