
Samsung Vibrant Release Pushed up to July 15th at T-Mobile?



Maybe T-Mobile wants to position their latest Android in a better spot to combat the Motorola Droid X and the summer’s other hot smartphones, or maybe they are just impatient, but for whatever reason word is picking up that the Samsung Vibrant, T-Mobile’s version of the Galaxy S, could be dropping as soon as July 15th. That’s just about a week early for those eagerly awaiting to get their hands on the phone. This isn’t officially confirmed just yet, though. We’ll keep you updated as more info comes in.

[via TmoNews]

Kevin Krause
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  1. What about the Captivate at AT&T?

  2. this will seal it for me. don’t think i’ll be able to hold out for the epic if this happens.


  4. @John not if you want to install out of market apps without using adb.

  5. Too late for me, jumped the T-Mobile ship and went with the EVO.

  6. I hope Bell in Canada does similar with our Galaxy S…

    Hey I can hope…

  7. This so awsome!!!!!!! That is if your with T-Mobile, it will be the DROOOOOOOIIIIID X for me!!!!

  8. Boo. I already pre-ordered mine at radio shack… Hopefully, they’ll get theirs early, too.

  9. This is Awesome. Just in time for my paycheck to be in the bank. :)

  10. TMO Rep just confirmed on the phone that it releases 7/15

  11. T-mo stores tend to get demo units a week before release, I wonder if they’re starting to trickle into stores now. I’ll have to swing by the local stores and see if I can find one to play with to make my decision.

  12. Looks cheap, and I also left T-Mobile for the Evo, and besides the Sprint version of this phone will be in … wait for it… 4G! ( with a slide out keyboard! )

  13. No thanks to another iPhone wannabe from Samsung.
    Don’t get me wrong though, I love Android but Samsung phones are garbage when It comes to quality, look and support.

  14. I already pre-ordered mine at Radio Shack! Bring it on!

  15. Too late for me too. I had to leave t-mobile for sprint. Evo 4g and loving every second of it. No regrets :) plus thanks to sprint tv I’ve been able to catch the world cup when I’m not home

  16. I wonder if Radio Shack will be getting theirs early, too. I already put in a pre-order there…. *fingers-crossed*

  17. Sigh… I already ordered my international Galaxy S from expansys.. for $620.

  18. waiting for the fascinate on verizon. I thought since the phone looked like the iphone it also had its build quality. But I guess that’s the only downside.still. This phone has better technology under the hood than the evo or the x.

  19. Will Euopean version really work on US T-Mobile? If so, I am getting it.

  20. @estliina

    It works, but it doesn’t support US T-Mo’s 3G bands. Therefore you’ll be on 2G.

  21. @Uly
    the only thing better under the hood is for playing games the x blows it away with speed and build quality. Samsung makes cheap feeling phones and doesnt stand behind them for updates

  22. @ Fibbus .. when you get the galaxy s can please let us know if the ffc works on the tmobile network. im going the same route and ordering my next device from expansys. tmobile can keep this one.

  23. @fibbus… i was thinking of getting the galaxy instead until i read what u said. • Network
    – 2G: Quad-Band 850/900/1800/1900MHz
    – 3G: Dual-Band 900/2100MHz (Europe/Asia)
    no deal. so im still in search of a compatible device to the evo with all the bells and whistles. for me the ffc and the hdmi are what i would like. dlna not so much.

  24. So if you are literally on 21 months since the last upgrade (August 20th or so is the full 22 months), do you think with me being a 7 year customer that they will go ahead and honor the full upgrade $199 amount?

  25. hmm Evo? 30 fps capped video with 65,000 washed out colors. Once you see the samsung’s screen it will be hard to look at anything else.

  26. Fatesealer… nope.ive been with tmobile since march 2003 and my last upgrade was september 25 or so 2008(got the g1) and im still on that damn 21 month. they said i cant get a full upgrade until september of this year. that 21 month thing is sooooo stupid.

  27. ari-free. while your playing with your little 4 inch screen and amazed by the colors i can plug my evo into(hdmi ofcourse) my BIG 46 inch 1080p tv and watch them colors!!! not mention i can video chat with my fam and the ladies when not in town.if these phones were cartoons. the vibrant would be he Flinstones and the EVO would be the Jetsons.See you around Dino! go play with your hummingbird

  28. I got the G1 Oct 22 2008 so officially my 22 months is August 22nd. Part of me may just wait it out and see what happens between then and now. Let’s face it: I almost bought a Behold II and you know how that went… :-P

  29. Will radioshack also have there preorders for the 15th?

  30. You guys CAN get your Full-Discount UG price, CARE will give it to you, although the first CARE rep you speak to may not authorize it, but 2nd one likely will-especially, if you’re “considering” going to another carrier for say, Evo. That or partner up w a good rep at a store-my store rep is the bomb-I won’t ever need to go to radioshack-I just call her & she holds phone, accessories, whatever I need.& she talked CARE into giving me the $20 performance Android net since I was “considering” going to another carrier. This is why it kind of dumbfounds me to read some just going w the flow & accepting what 1 or 2 reps/interactions. Persistence pays off, that & thinking of it as a shrewd business owner would, unless, of course, your Flex-not much room to negotiate, for Flex.

  31. **Should’ve been, “Pref Android SOC” for $19.99 (not readily available but used mostly to “save” loyalty customers.)

    **Full-Discount UG can be obtained at 21 month mark, is what I was referring to.

  32. I just got off the phone with T-mobile Customer Service and the rep told me that the 15th is the date that has been on their release memo they got on the 1st, I’m wondering if the 21st is just the date that Radio Shack will be releasing the phone. I asked my she was unsure on that, but was positive this was always the intended release date for the in-store sales. I guess the secret just got out. That would explain why there wasn’t going to be a release day event.

    That said I am a loyalty member, on a family plan that pays more than $89 a month so I get to upgrade early which mean get a $50 rebate, $200 dollar instant saving. Which means I get the phone without resigning a contract for the low low price of…… $149.99 (after mail in rebate). I’ll get it for $100 if i get it from Radio Shack. (if the rep is right and I get the mail in rebate and the $50 dollar gift card.)

    Sticking with T-Mobile since Omini-Point then Voice Stream then T-Mobile has finally worked out in my favor. And even if this phone sucks I’ll be able to upgrade again in 11 months, or just upgrade my other line with the same deal.

  33. Does anyone know if T-Mobile will unlock this phone for use with other carriers as soon as you purchase it if you pay full price w/o contract?

  34. I dont really want this boring-looking phone, Im gonna buy it anyway since the Dell Streak release date is nowhere in sight for the US. (It has FFC AND camera flash) Death to G1!

  35. I was just in a chat with a Radio Shack rep concerning my pre-order of the Samsung Vibrant, and he tells me that the release date is indeed July 15th.

  36. @AndroidToy
    that’s a funny comment, considering Samsung has had a huge hand in the design of the iPhone.

    while you plug in your wire and string it across the living room, the Galaxy S can stream my HD video over my wireless N network to my TV from the comfort of my own couch.

    either way, everyone fights over the “perfect phone,” but there is no such thing. it’s all about if the phone will do what you need it to. i don’t need front-facing cameras, nor do most of the general public. i don’t need a flash on my camera. i don’t need HDMI out. i need a phone with the processor and memory to handle music, social networking, email, and GPS simultaneously. this phone fits the bill perfectly, and i have every confidence i’ll be happy with it for a year or two, no problem.

  37. @Sean c.h.f., AMEN!!

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