
Pokemon Go has hidden secrets that no one has found yet



Pokemon Go data miners have discovered references to Ditto and the next wave of second-generation Pokemon but there are still hidden secrets within the app, according to CEO John Hanke. In a recent interview with GamesRadar, Hanke confirmed that there will always be secrets in the Pokemon Go app because Niantic is always adding new secrets. But his next words are the interesting part.

There’s one out there right now and we’ll see how that plays out over the course of the next few weeks.

GamesRadar pressed Hanke to see if this hidden secret had anything to do with the recently released Halloween update, but Hanke refused to confirm anything else saying “I’m not going to give any clues.” So we’re left guessing what secrets he could be referring to within the game.

It’s very unlikely that Hanke is referring to Ditto in this case, despite the newly added Transform move in a recent update. References to Ditto have been available in Pokemon Go since the game launched, as Ditto is one of the original 151 Pokemon. So what’s the big secret? Who knows at this point! Perhaps Ditto will soon be discoverable now that his Transform move is in the game.
Writer, gamer, and classical music whistler. I have an undying love of indie games and unique apps.

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