
Android Phones Show Up at Google I/O In Force


Just outside of today’s sadly Android-less (unless you count a small web app demo that turned comical as the wireless internet connection failed) keynote address at Google I/O was a pretty big display showing off just how many Android handsets are in (or soon to be in) production. For many of the phones this is the first time we’ve been able to get real clear pictures.


Check out the gallery below for all the pics!

Kevin Krause
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  1. What’s the red Sharp device?


  3. Have Foxconn been over influenced by Apple with this one?

  4. Had they left the media buttons off the Liquid Stream, it would have been perfect.

  5. Thanks for taking all the photos! Any chance you all could stick this in a slideshow or flickr photostream for easier viewing?

  6. Do you know the specs??

  7. Just looked at all the pictures. None of them look remotely exciting compared to the Evo

  8. Good pics, a lightbox gallery would have been nice. :)

  9. What, no G1? No love.

  10. @Derek Winstead

    there is a g1 in there. maybe you’ve missed it

  11. @Inspiron41
    I checked again. Didn’t see an image. Not that it matters, the G1 has become Google’s forgotten child too :)

  12. @Chaz….Foxconn makes the iPhone

  13. X10 mini? Really :|

  14. Nothing really beautiful out there behind the glas. Only the motoroi by motorola looks relativ interesting to me from my style point of view. The other smartphone looks a) alike b) cheap c) to iphone-alike.

    I’m waiting for the shadow and I hope it will not have a slide-keyboard.

    So long…

  15. Phandroid is my primary source for Android news and I love all the pics. But your site definitely needs a lightbox for galleries of photos.

  16. Why are some of the devices there twice? It’s even the same picture!

  17. Just noticed the vinyl Android figures in the top of the cases, how did they get stock?? I been waiting for them for ages.

  18. Isn’t it strange that there doesn’t seem to be ANY HTC phones?

  19. No European HTC Hero? It’s very different to the US Hero… and much beautiful IMHO.

  20. whats that sharp flip unit? it has a nice keyboard

  21. Where can I get those Android figurines? I want them!!!!! :(

  22. zte blade is neat

  23. It’s beautiful….

  24. Are they just like concept phones……?

  25. There a lot of phones in the desplay and saw the desire in there ( if all of you guys look in the corner of the first pic and zoom into the top rithe corner you can see it).

    I think Phandroid did not get enough time to get a pic of all the android phones that were on desplay.

  26. Considering its stature in getting Android some notice, I’m shocked to see the Droid missing in action in the pictures.


  28. these arent all of the phones…

  29. Like the look of the Sharp with the keyboard… Rooted that could be awesome.

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