
Blackberry opens pre-registration for PRIV, confirms early specs


Blackberry is moving slow on the PRIV information train, but the company is finally ready to deliver more details. You can now sign up to be made aware of its arrival, so go do that if this is something you’ve been waiting on.

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With that, they were also happy to confirm a couple of specs and features that the device will have. Here’s what was said in official capacity:

  • Stunning 5.4” dual-curved screen
  • Long lasting 3410 mAh battery
  • Both touch and physical keyboards
  • Schneider-Kreuznach® certified camera
  • Extraordinary audio quality

Massive battery, nice-sized display, confidence in their camera and audio experiences, and the classic Blackberry keyboard experience — it sounds better every time we hear about it. We’ll be all ears whenever the folks in Waterloo are ready to give us the tale of the tape, so stay tuned.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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