How ToNews

How to watch today’s iPhone event live from an Android device


Did you know today is Apple’s big iPhone event? We’re expecting the Cupertino company to unveil two new smartphones for those who missed out last year: the iPhone 6S  and iPhone 6S Plus. We might also hear news about a new iPad, as well as an update to Apple TV.

Even if you aren’t an Apple fan, you’re probably curious as to how you can follow along to see what the bitten fruit company is doing lately. Those with iOS or Mac OS devices can head here to watch in Safari, but for those of you on Android there’s a different (but rather simple) path to success:

And there you go! It obviously isn’t as pretty a solution as if you were watching from one of Apple’s devices, but since they insist on keeping everything closed within their ridiculous walled garden this is as good as it gets. Let us know if you’ll be watching with us (it kicks off at 1PM Eastern), and stay tuned for continued coverage after the event as we bring you the comparisons and coverage you crave.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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