
Learn to design for web with this name-your-price deal on e-learning tools from



Have you ever wanted to learn to design for the web? Do you want to become a Photoshop master? You won’t have to enroll in years worth of expensive design school to do so. No, with’s special offer, you can name your price for eight separate courses with over 80 hours worth of lessons on designing for web and using the tools that make it possible.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Name any price to unlock $150 worth of courses covering web design basics and the ins and outs of responsive design. Pay higher than the average price (which sits at $8.61 as of writing) and gain access to 6 additional lessons and tutorials focusing on Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, user experience, and more.

All told, it’s an $840 value that can be yours for less than $10. Even better, 10% of all sales will be donated to Creative Commons. Better still, pay enough to rank on the leaderboard or hit the top spot and earn entries to an exclusive giveaway to be held in the future. You can’t get much more of an incentive than that. Head on over to now to name your price.

Kevin Krause
Pretty soon you'll know a lot about Kevin because his biography will actually be filled in! At Bat gets Material Design makeover for 2015 season

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  1. The dress is white and gold.

    1. And black people are actually gold.

      1. Please no.

        1. Too late, it’s already out there.

      2. Our secret has been well kept for so many years.

    2. It keeps changing colors on me one min its white and gold the next its black and blue

    3. No!! OMG!! F that satanic dress!! I cannot believe a friggin’ dress divided the internet!! Ugh!! Some stupid white and gold dress… >.>

      1. Soooo … +1 for white and gold

  2. …Lana: Ya done?

  3. From this day forward AndroidArea posts should be used for off topic conversation.

    Patriots #1!!!

    1. I want to up-vote the idea, but your Patriots statement makes me want to down-vote.

      I guess my dislike of these ads outweighs my dislike of the Patriots.

      1. Haha that says a lot.

        Also, Tom Brady is the GOAT.

  4. Or…just visit and get better tutorials for free

    1. That’s like saving $840 !

  5. The deal lost all credibility when it put Dreamweaver and web design in the same post. Does it have Frontpage lessons too?

    1. Please try to stay off-topic. Thank you.

  6. Android area displayed on an Apple…..shame

  7. In other news, March 1st(I know that’s politically incorrect) is around the corner.

  8. I LIKE TURTLES!!!!!!!!!

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