
Motorola posts Lollipop update schedule for Moto 360, you’ll have it by tomorrow


360 wear app

Last week, Google began rolling out Android 5.0.1 Lollipop for all Android Wear devices. Over the past few days, Android faithfuls such as yourselves have been mashing their “check update” button on their smartwatches hoping for that sweet, sweet Lollipop goodness. Some have been luckier than others, as the updates roll out to users in large batches. If you own a Moto 360 and haven’t received your update, you shouldn’t have to wait much longer.

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Motorola has taken to their official forums to let users know that updates cannot be forced out of turn, despite many users reporting various successes by factory resetting their Moto 360, re-pairing Bluetooth, or even uninstalling and then reinstalling the companion app. Most likely these users that reported success with these methods were merely victims of coincidence. Have no fear though, Motorola states that all devices should be updated by December 15th with Android 5.0.1 Lollipop build LWX48P. So, if your Moto 360 hasn’t been updated yet, you should only have about one more day to wait.

Did your Moto 360 or other Android Wear smartwatch receive the Lollipop update? What are you thinking of it so far? Let us know in the comments.

[Source: Motorola]

Derek Ross
I'm a passionate Android enthusiast that's on the pulse of the latest Android news, writing about Android as often as possible. I'm also a little addicted to social networking. Hit me up, I'd love to chat.

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  1. Looks like it will be tomorrow then for me and my Moto 360 :)

  2. Got to see it to believe it.

    No offence.

  3. Yay, I have finals this week, so this update should sweeten up my mood

  4. I’ve had the update for the past four days – it’s pretty sweet. I’m using the Pac-Man watch face for the time being. It makes things easier to swap out watch faces without having to rely on third party applications.

  5. No,to my LG G watch,rrrrr.

  6. Still nothing for 2013 Moto G? :(

    1. No clue. This thread is about Android Wear watches. Try asking in a thread about phone updates.

    2. Lollipop for Moto G 2013 goes first of India and the rest will get it soon I hope so.

  7. Is Samsung like the last company to roll out on Note family or what? I have note 3 and wanna have lollipop lol

    1. What does that have to do with Android Wear watches and the Moto 360?

    2. yes Samsung will be both the first and the last to roll out to the Note family…seeing as only they have to rollout to the note family.

    3. Are u special?

  8. I received it the day the faces released as I was able to try them that evening on my 360. I really like the update with the quick settings by swiping down as well as hiding cards. I hated that I had to remove all my shipping notices, but now I can just hide em on my Wear.

  9. I’ve had it for several days, from earlier in the week. Love the theater mode, finally my daily commute doesn’t end up stealing my battery life. So, in a round about way, I have even better battery life now. Can’t complain!

  10. Still not got it (it’s 10:25 GMT on the 15th) :-(

    Just need to be a bit more patient I suppose.

    1. 12:52 EST here. Still no go for me, wish I had your patience. LOL

  11. By the end of the 15th? UK or US time? Can you tell I don’t have it yet?

  12. Yes it can be forced. I did it on my LG G Watch R. Just delete the Android Wear app and reinstall the latest version (check apkmirror). I also reset the Smartwatch itself because it doesn’t matter anyway.

    Update installed immediately after i cancelled the initial tutorial.

    1. Also doesn’t work. Just because one gets it that way doesn’t mean it works. Hence the word coincidence.

      1. A coincidence timed to the second. I doubt it.

        1. You don’t understand how this stuff works. Resetting the watch (or whatever you did) will make it check for an update then so the update will happen right then.
          What resetting the watch won’t do is get you on the list of devices that can get the update. You probably just got it an hour or so before the watch next checked itself.
          If you hadn’t done that you would have got it soon after.
          Most people who do this still aren’t on the “approved list” so it does no good.

          1. You mean like pressing the CHECK FOR UPDATE button on the watch which didn’t work two minutes before I did my thing.

            Nah, after 30+ Android devices I’m rather sure this works kind of differently from other devices like smartphones. Back in the days of 2.x and early 4.x, deleting the ‘data’ from some framework used to work and force an update on Android devices. This certainly won’t work any more. Maybe this – I guess- bug is back on Wear, who knows. Or it really was the bestest timed coincidence evar.

            Also, most people probably don’t care ;) But for us nerds who read this website it might be worth a try.

        2. Oh I forgot. You’re special.

          1. Seems like it.

  13. The reset watch get lollipop update worked for about 4 out of every 5 people, me included. Coincidence my ( )( )

    1. I tried it. Didn’t work. I’d like to know how you got that “statistic”

    2. Didn’t work for me…

    3. Me neither…. Looks like 1 out of 4 to me

    4. You need a chocolate starfish in there ( )*( )

    5. Nothing here. About 6-7 resets. I’ll take Moto for their word that there’s no way to force it.

  14. My order has shipped and i should see my new moto x and 360 by friday. cant wait to play with my new toys! wish it were a nexus 6 tho, oh well.

    1. Why?

      1. cause its a nexus 6 with 4k screen, 805 snapdragon, 64gb of storage, 3gb of ram, timely updates (but its a nexus so i would root),and a lil better camera performance.

        1. It’s also disgustingly huge and grossly expensive.

          1. Not really, unless u only buy budget phones. this is priced about the same as any other phone with these specs.

          2. Sound like somebody is still bitter over the price increase.

          3. Price isn’t the issue. I could buy 6 right now if I wanted, it’s just the principle. Google totally changed what it meant to be a nexus…

          4. Oh well I’m very happy with mine.

          5. Opinions… You’re entitled to your own opinion to though.

            To me it is just the right size and just the right price considering what I am getting. The nice thing about Android is that you have many choices. Hopefully one will suit your needs.

        2. 2560×1440 isn’t 4k, and if it came with a 4k screen at this stage of GPU development, it’d be pretty unusable. QHD is pushing it too, as the S805 would fly in 720p and 1080p.

          Even the S810 w/ 4k support will struggle, especially in GPU rendered 3D games, though there may be UI hiccups now and then too.

          I don’t get the whole super-high resolution push.

          1. u r correct, its a quad HD screen. i dont necessarily need that high res of a screen but that doesnt stop me from wanting it. i dont play games on mobile so that wouldnt hurt me either. for what i use a phone for this would work just fine.

          2. nexus 6 is awesome! I came from a moto x 2013. I loved the small size of the moto x and active display. I quickly got used to the size of the nexus 6 and it’s greatness but I miss how good active display was.

  15. I got it a few days ago, honestly, my Battery is burning at about 1% more per hour.

  16. My Sony sw3 got it saturday.Without doing anything.

    1. Lucky you… My sw3 has nothing yet but your post gives me hope!

      1. It’s very weird how these updates come out.I also just bought mine on friday

        1. Oh now your just rubbing salt in the wound lol. I bought mine about 3 weeks ago…

          1. Hang in there

          2. Finally got it!

          3. Very good

  17. I got my Moto 360 a couple weekes ago, but no Lollipop goodness yet. I should also have my Nexus6 by Wed….at least that’s the ETA! Yaya!!!

  18. MIdnight Blue 32GB Nexus 6 available on Moto.

    1. That shipped sailed when Google couldn’t properly handle a launch… Got me a note 4

  19. I got it a couple of days ago

  20. I must be living in future because I got this update last Tuesday.

  21. It’s 7:20pm on the 15th. Still haven’t received the update!

    1. Same here, still no update. I am guessing by midnight Pacific if it is going to happen.

  22. I got this update last week and now I have another update sitting and waiting for me today. It is charging right now so not sure what the second update is about.

    1. Probaly the battery drain issue. That’s probably why the rest of us have not recieved our updates yet. They were fixing the bugs.

  23. Its 16th December here in India…and yet I didn’t got the taste of sweet lollipop.

  24. Where is the update? I do believe it has now passed the 15th.

  25. Still no update. I even factory reset my phone and my watch. Still nada.

  26. No update in Belgium neither :( Just forced ota update on nexus 5 to 5.0.1 hoping it would have triggered the update but no luck…

  27. Still no update for us /:

  28. No go here, no update as of 8am this morning….I wonder if the dates are off or Google/Moto are behind on the release. It could also be a ase where since there are so many battery drain issues, maybe they are fixing that problem before they roll out the update to the rest of us. I just wish they would be more vocal and tell people what is going on….hate all the secrerts and keeping people in the dark! Annoying!

  29. I think the issue is that the watch face alignment bug put the release on hold, this was the precise reason they rolled it out in stages in the first place, to find any issues and not plague a 100% of the userbase with them. That being said I think they fixed the issue and are starting a new rollout.

    Just be happy you didn’t get the buggy release and you will get a better release when it is ready.

    Source: https://forums.motorola.com/posts/03d71d8377?page=4

  30. 16th December evening in India. Still waiting for the update.. :(

  31. still no update. Nexus 5 on 5.0.1 (manually sideloaded ota). latest wear app. tried all posted steps to try to force update. I believe they just aren’t letting me have it yet. moto’s posted schedule is garbage.

  32. “Motorola states that all devices should be updated by December 15th with Android 5.0.1 Lollipop build LWX48P. So, if your Moto 360 hasn’t been updated yet, you should only have about one more day to wait”

    It is now 20.35 on 17th December in the UK and still no update!

  33. I finally got mine in the UK last night (the 17th)

    1. Unfortunately an update hasn’t come through for me! (UK)

  34. I got the LWX48T update last night. After that my phone and 360 wouldn’t connect. After resetting my 360 and killing 20% of my battery this morning, I’m reconnected. Too bad I lost all my saved settings from the app.

  35. Got the update on a full charge this morning…. from 9am until now at 2:10pm, I have 18% battery left. I usually have about 75%. Not only that, my notifications stopped appearing at about 20% so I did a reboot, and now the watch will not turn back on at all. I am at work, so cannot see it just completely drained within seconds or the watch has been hosed. Hate the update, needless to say.

  36. Lollipop update is indeed sweeter than the name


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