
Hands-on: Moto X (2nd gen) with pictures and video


If you haven’t heard, Motorola just announced the new Moto X, the 2nd generation of what has become their flagship phone. We had the opportunity to visit Motorola’s Chicago HQ – where they also announced details on the Moto 360 and new Moto G – and were lucky enough to grab a boat load of hands-on photos and videos, giving you a first hand glimpse of the new device. We’ll just scooch aside and let you see for yourself.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

moto-x-bottom moto-x-front-bottom moto-x-front-side moto-x-front-topmoto-x-front-whole


Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Buy the Moto 360 today for $250 at these 3 locations

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  1. That guy in the video said “back” four times before the first minute was up…
    Ugh. That bothered me for some reason.

    1. it really said back that many time? I’ll have to go back and watch and see if the data backs up your assertion. I’ll be back. Hopefully, you won’t have to take back your words.

    2. Maybe because the back looks horrendous?

  2. And I was hoping this would replace my G2…

      1. Its not good enough to replace G2 yet. IMHO

      2. It’s bigger (my G2 is too big for me), has a much smaller battery and even though we haven’t seen any tests of the battery, I cant imagine it’ll be better than the G2’s. If the two phones were side by side, I’d choose the MotoX, but it’s not worth paying money to replace my G2.

        Here’s to hoping that the next droid (Maxx?) will retain a 5in screen

  3. Hey Chris,
    Did you get a chance to try out the voice commands? I always thought the hands-free voice commands would work perfectly with the Chromecast, especially the Netflix and Music apps. I was wandering if Moto tried to tie these together with the MotoX this time.

  4. Will the front and side colors be independent of each other, or will you be limited to a white front with a silver ring or a black front with a dark grey ring? Anybody know?

  5. I fail to understand the 2300 mAh battery in this phone. Why would they do that? I don’t know anyone who says I have way more battery life than I need. I understand there are nice battery life improvements with the upcoming L release but the more mAh the better. Let’s forget increasing screen resolution and lets focus on batteries that can last days with normal use.

  6. I was hoping for a bigger battery and more gigs. Yes, two will work, but it I have no reason to upgrade to less mAh and the same amount of ram.

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