CyanogenMod has announced that their Theme Showcase app will be finding a home in Google Play starting June 16th. In case you’re not in the know, Theme Showcase was first revealed on the OnePlus One and will be used to highlight the many different themes made for CyanogenMod ROMs using the CyanogenMod Theme Engine.
The app itself doesn’t deliver said themes — it only showcases them. It will have a handy link to the Google Play Store to grab the theme for yourself if you decide you like its looks, though.
Quick note if you yourself are a theme maker and haven’t yet converted your theme to the new theme engine: GitHub has all the goods to get you started. Once you’ve taken care of that you can submit your theme for consideration to be included in the initial crop of spotlighted themes right here.
[via Reddit]
Does this make it three big theme apps now with Homepack Buzz and Themer? This is awesome! I’ve been making themes for both Homepack Buzz and Themer for a while now, I’m going to check this out.
Cyanogenmod themes have been around for a long time. They’re just now bringing them out to be shown off more widely. Search the playstore for cyanogenmod themes or cm themes. There are tons of them.
You have to be rooted right to take advantage of this?
You need Cyanogenmod installed on your device to use Cyanogenmod themes – it’s a third-party ROM that you can install after rooting. Or you can buy one of just a couple of phones with it pre-installed.
Thank you for your reply :-)
Just rooted my GS5!! AND I got Downloaded booster!! Also running ROM that is borrowing from CM. I love it!!
(Sprint/Verizon/at&t took it off the phone)