
Microsoft is bringing its Copilot AI to Telegram

Google has been pretty aggressive at rolling out its Gemini AI to a bunch of its own products and services. It appears that Microsoft is following in Google’s footsteps. Following the introduction of Copilot to Windows, it appears that Microsoft is now looking to bring it to other services, like Telegram.

According to a report from Windows Latest, it seems that Microsoft has introduced a Copilot Bot to the Telegram instant messenger. Basically it acts like how you might expect an AI assistant to work. You can ask it all kinds of questions and it will provide generative responses.

If you’re someone who uses Telegram frequently, this could be a useful way of finding information and generating ideas without having to leave the app or switch apps. But there is a slight catch. According to Windows Latest, it seems that users will have to provide their phone number in order for it to work.

Also, it appears that it does not work outside of the EU, at least for now. We can only assume that this could be due to the EU’s GDPR privacy policies, so maybe Microsoft will offer an alternative. But basically if you enter your number and it detects an EU code, it won’t work.

There are also some limitations to using the Copilot bot on Telegram. Users are limited to 30 messages a day and it cannot be used for image generation. It is possible things could change in the future as the bot’s profile photo does say it is in beta.

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