samsung 3nm

Samsung Galaxy S26 could feature a 2nm Exynos chipset

It’s probably safe to assume that Samsung will continue using a mix of Exynos and Qualcomm chipsets in its flagship phones for the foreseeable future. This includes the Samsung Galaxy S26 which is scheduled for 2026, but there could be some good news on the Exynos front.

According to a report from Korean publication ET News, they claim that Samsung could be gearing up to produce 2nm Exynos chipsets in time for the handset’s launch. The chipset in question will most likely be known as the Exynos 2600. Assuming this report is accurate, it is quite big news.

Samsung’s chipset making efforts have been improving in recent years. In 2022, Samsung kicked off production on 3nm chipsets, so for them to move to 2nm in 2026 is pretty impressive. It’s also interesting because Apple is rumored to launch their own 2nm chipsets in 2026. In fact, a recent report suggests that Apple is trying to broker a deal with TSMC to reserve the manufacturer’s entire 2nm capacity.

We don’t know how well the Exynos 2600 will perform. But generally speaking, chipsets built using smaller processes are supposed to be faster and more energy efficient. This is due to the transistors being smaller and closer to each other. Either way, 2026 is still quite a long ways to go so take it with a grain of salt.

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