
The cheap Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 could live up to its name!


According to the rumors, Samsung is apparently working on a cheap version of the Galaxy Z Fold 6. But how much cheaper are we talking about? According to a report from Korea, we could be looking at a price tag of around $800, which is honestly pretty insane when you consider how much the Fold 5 costs.

For context, the Galaxy Z Fold 5 launched at a starting price of $1,800. This means that if the rumors are true, the cheaper version of the Fold 6 could be priced at $1,000 less than the actual flagship model! We can’t say with certainty how accurate these rumors are, but we can only hope that they are true.

One of the main reasons foldables aren’t seeing mainstream adoption is largely due to their price. Asking customers to pay close to $2,000 for a smartphone is ridiculous. This is why foldables like the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip series sell better. While they’re not cheap, they are cheaper with price tags that are slightly more digestible.

That being said, we have heard reports that Samsung will be making some compromises to bring the price down. One of the changes includes using a different type of display technology. It will also apparently reuse the same cameras from the Fold 5. If you’re more interested in the form factor rather than the actual hardware, then this handset could be worth considering.

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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