
Switching from iPhone to Android just got a lot easier

If you are interested in switching from iPhone to Android, there are apps and tools to help with that. Both Apple and Google have official apps to help users make the jump. Now thanks to the EU’s DMA, it looks like making the switch will become a lot easier.

According to Apple’s newly-published compliance document, the company is working on ways to make it easier for users to switch from an iPhone to Android. This includes being able to uninstall Safari completely and also change the default navigation app on iOS. At the moment, all brand new iPhones use Apple Maps by default and there’s no way to change that.

As for browsers, Apple has made some changes to iOS that allows users to change their default apps. This allows users to change their default browser and email app. The problem is that users who aren’t familiar with this option may inadvertently use Safari and lose some of their browsing data when switching to a different platform.

By giving users the option to completely uninstall Safari, it would prevent that. These changes won’t be coming into effect just yet. For instance, the ability to transfer browser data isn’t expected until late 2024, while changing the navigation app will only happen by March 2025.

It also does not mention if these new tools will be available globally, or just those living in the EU. Either way, if you don’t think you’ll be sticking with the iPhone for the long-term, hopefully these changes will make switching to Android a lot easier.

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