
Emojis come to stay in Google Maps feature

In a post from Twitter/X Google has released a surprise new emoji update to Google Maps.

Now it is possible to place emoji on your maps highlighting the places that are important or relevant to you.

The video shows a short tutorial on the ways to add these emojis to your maps. Highlighting your favourite spot on Google Maps with emoji is easy! It is as simple as being able to click into your favourite coffee shop, select save and add it to your desired listings.

However, as user Justin points out in the replies. That only works when the maps are very zoomed into a place. Otherwise, the maps only show the usual markers of stars that show an important place, and with no distinction between them. Giving the map a far more cluttered view than it needs to be.

What do you think? Is this something that you think you’ll get a lot of use out of? Personally, I don’t think it’s something for me. Any cities I go to regularly I already know where my favourite spots already are so I don’t need to be marking them specifically out! What are other use cases that you can think of?

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