Telegram has rolled out its highly-anticipated Stories feature, but there’s a catch – it’s currently available exclusively for Premium users. This new feature promises users more control over their storytelling experience, allowing them to choose who can view their Stories and decide how long they last before disappearing into technical oblivion. Drawing parallels with Facebook’s Messenger, Telegram’s Stories also have expandable bubbles showcasing what your friends and loved ones are posting.
Telegram Stories 😎@telegram @telegram_it
— Alessandro Antonucci X (@techworldaleant) July 20, 2023
Personalization seems to be the secret sauce for Telegram. As they let users tailor their Stories’ visibility settings. They can make them accessible to everyone regardless of if they’re connected to you or not, share exclusively with selected contacts, or share with a restricted circle of close friends. The ability to add captions, links, and tags to Stories enhances the narrative potential giving a blend of what Instagram and Tiktok are doing on those platforms. Notably, users can showcase their creative flair by sharing photos and videos captured simultaneously from both the front-facing and rear cameras, similar to BeReal’s innovative posts.
For those who value a curated experience, Telegram introduces a thoughtful “Hidden” list option, allowing users to steer clear of Stories from specific contacts. So no more awkward conversions over dinner about how you accidentally shared that meme with your grandma! Moreover, Telegram offers users the flexibility to choose the duration of their Stories’ existence. Timeframes range from 6, 12, and 24 hours to a more extensive 48 hours, accommodating users’ diverse tastes. Alternatively, users can opt for the timeless allure of permanent display on their profile page, all the while maintaining precise privacy settings for each post.
Telegram Stories 😎@telegram @telegram_it
— Alessandro Antonucci X (@techworldaleant) July 20, 2023
While Stories are available for everyone to view, only Telegram Premium subscribers have the privilege of posting their own Stories. Accessing this feature requires users to ensure they have the latest Telegram version, though its availability may vary across regions. To unlock Telegram Premium, users can subscribe for $4.99 per month. Keep in mind, those looking for a good deal check out Telegrams website before hitting the subscribe on the Google Play Store. Using Telegrams Premium bot could net you up to 40% off in a lot of cases, so be sure to check it out here.