
Twitter pulls at Threads in new lawsuit


Threads seem to have been the latest sensation as a potential platform for those who are looking to jump ship from Twitter after its continuous faux pas over the last year. Mastodon, Blue Skies, as well as others, have all been contenders for those who want to fly the nest. However, Threads is a new product coming from the team over at Facebook.

Instagram has launched a new app called “Threads,” created by their team, which focuses on text-based updates and public conversations. Users can log in using their Instagram accounts, and posts within Threads can be up to 500 characters long and include links, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes in length. The app aims to expand Instagram’s strengths in visual content to text-based expression.
Meta, the parent company of Instagram, sees Threads as its first app to be compatible with an open social networking protocol. They believe that decentralized approaches, similar to email and the web, will shape the future of online platforms and foster innovation. Threads are available for download on iOS and Android devices in more than 100 countries, with plans to introduce new features such as improved recommendations and search functionality based on user feedback.

All is not well over at Twitter as a result. Sources at Dexerto have found letters to Mark Zuckerberg and his team from Twitter’s legal team about a pending incitement of Twitter’s intellectual property as well as other serious claims. These are including poaching of previous employees from the firm and dissemination of trade secrets.

These similarities in both function and design, are the core reasons for the lawsuit. Elon went so far as to tweet out confirming the reasons saying that while competition is fine, cheating isn’t.

However, the comments of there being a cross-over between those who lost their jobs at Twitter who may have joined Threads have been confirmed to not be true. As confirmed via Andy Stone who is apart of the Communications team over at Meta.

andymstone6 d To be clear: “No one on the Threads engineering team is a former Twitter employee — that’s just not a thing.”

Source: Andy Stone on Threads

While we don’t have any further updates on what Facebook’s reply will be to the apparent pushback from Twitter, you can be sure we will keep you posted when they do respond.

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