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Nanoleaf unveils Ultra Black Shapes limited edition smart panels

Some of you might be familiar with Nanoleaf. For those who aren’t, Nanoleaf is a company that specializes in decorative smart lights, or to be specific, smart LED light panels that users can stick onto a wall and form different geometric shapes that can light up and be controlled using a smartphone or smart speaker.

The company has actually been around for 10 years already and to celebrate their 10th anniversary, Nanoleaf has unveiled the Ultra Black Shapes smart panels. These are limited edition panels that feature a black surface which actually looks kind of cool. They work more or less the same as the company’s other panels, except that with a darker covering, the colors will look more saturated.

Plus, with the black design, they will also look pretty good even when the lights are turned off, so either way lights on or off, you’ve got a pretty cool design to play around with. Like we said, apart from the darker hue, the lights function the same as the regular Nanoleaf panels, meaning that users can use it to sync with their music or games.

If you’re interested in these panels, Nanoleaf is selling it on their website for $220 which will contain a pack of 9 panels and will have everything you need to get it up and running. An expansion kit containing 3 panels can also be purchased separately for $70.

Source: Nanoleaf

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