apex legends mobile

Apex Legends Mobile now available to download from Google Play

Earlier this year, EA announced that they would be bringing its Apex Legends game onto mobile devices. The game was later released in beta, but unfortunately back then it was only available in select regions in the world like the Philippines and India.

The good news is that you’ve been looking forward to playing Apex Legends Mobile on your phone, then it looks like the game has finally been made available for pretty much all Android players around the world (assuming you own a compatible handset) and is available for download via the Google Play Store.

For those who have pre-registered the game, the game should have automatically downloaded onto your handset overnight, so you should be able to start playing immediately. If you did not register, then no worries, just pop on over to the Play Store where you’ll be able to download it on the spot.

That being said, the game does come with a pretty lengthy tutorial that you’ll have to play through before you can actually start to play the game for real, so make sure that you have set some time aside in your day if you’re looking to get a few games in. The game itself is more or less the same as the PC and console version, except that its controls have been designed and optimized for mobile devices in mind.

So if you’ve played the game before, then the learning curve might not be quite as steep.

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