
Samsung Private Share updated to make sharing more easy


If you’re a Samsung user and you have other friends or family members that are also Samsung users, then you might be familiar with the company’s Private Share feature that lets Samsung users share files quickly and easily between devices.

Now it looks like Samsung has recently issued an update to the tool where it is now bumped up to version that should make file sharing easier. With this update, users will now be able to share up to 20 files at the same time. This means that if you have a bunch of photos you want to share at once, you can.

Keep in mind that collectively the combined size of these files cannot exceed 100MB, but assuming that they don’t, you can share a bunch of files at once more easily than before. Also, the update will also allow the tool to link up with the Contacts app, so it should be easier than before for users to choose their recipients.

Other changes also include the ability for users to edit the file name and recipients. Granted there are other ways for users to share multiple files at once, but like we said, if you are a Samsung user and the other user also has a Samsung device, this could potentially be a much faster method that might also be more secure.

The update to Private Share should be rolling out as we speak, so keep an eye out for it if this is a tool you find yourself using quite often.

Source: SamMobile

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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