
Google Play closes another call recorder loophole


Among the numerous changes coming in 2022, according to a Google Play Console support document originally noticed by Reddit user NLL-APPS, there is a section listing forthcoming enhancements for the Accessibility API. The portion indicating that “the Accessibility API is not designed and cannot be requested for remote call audio recording” is one of the sentences that jumps out. Every Android phone, from low-cost to high-end, will be affected by this move.

Getting rid of the loopholes

Google points out though that developers have just been able to exploit it to circumvent existing call recording limits. It allowed applications to achieve the same end objective while still following to Google’s restrictions and having their app approved.

Although third-party call recording access will indeed be removed in May, native applications will continue to have access to the feature. Approved OEM default dialer can still record calls if the app complies with the regulations. So, worry not! If your EMO supports call recording, you should be able to still utilise this feature. If you’re interested in learning more about it, here is the presentation given by Google about the change in policy for developers.

Specious Coda-Bishop
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