The world is geared up for the launch of the Galaxy S10 at Samsung’s Unpacked event on February 20 to put to rest the various leaks, finally. All eyes were set to be on Samsung, that was until Xiaomi decided to hold the launch event for its Mi 9 device in China on the same day.
Marking the invitation with a salute to the Redmi Note 7 that has hit 1 million sales in China, Xiaomi teases the release of the Mi 9 with a picture of a case held by its brand ambassador for the Mi series TFBOYS Roy (also known as Wang Yuan).
The teaser specifically highlights a feature of the case that will be the main feature of the Mi 9:
Check out the phone he’s holding, it’s Mi 9 with limited edition phone case. One of the key highlights for this device is unveiled, can you spot it?
The case has a cutout for at least three rear-facing cameras, so presumably, the selling point of the Mi 9 is focused on the imaging capabilities of the triple camera setup. The camera details haven’t been leaked to date, so this is the best guess. The device is expected to launch with a Snapdragon 855 and in-display fingerprint sensor.
Intentional move or pure coincidence, Xiaomi has placed the crosshairs firmly on the Samsung Galaxy S10 launch to try and attract attention towards its device. Since the Mi 9 launch event is in China and Samsung Unpacked is in San Francisco and London, Xiaomi’s efforts may not have the desired effect, but it is a good effort.