Samsung Galaxy Note 8 DSC03439

Best Android Phones – January 2018

Ready for the first Best Android Phones of 2018 update? Well, incidentally it looks a lot like the last Best Phones update for 2017.

That’s because manufacturers had gotten all their holiday-targeted products out of the door and there’s little new for us to gawk over right now.

Fret not, because that’s about to change in a hurry. We have CES starting up in just under a week’s time, and while we’re not expecting a whole lot there in terms of big-ticket phone announcements, we’re bound to see something cool on the horizon.

And that’s only the beginning. We roll right into the Spring months with Mobile World Congress on the radar, with early-year big hitters from Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony, and more being shown off for the first time. This list won’t stay still for long. Buckle up!

Best Android Phones – January 2018
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