Google Pixel 2 unboxing DSC03468

We’ve got the Pixel 2 XL! [Q&A]

Google Pixel 2 XL Unboxing

It feels like an eternity but the Pixel 2 XL we ordered has finally arrived on our doorstep just a few moments ago. We already got our first look at the phone back during Google’s big “Made by Google” event, but the phone has been the source of a good amount of controversy since then. We’ll be giving the phone the once, twice, and thrice over while giving you guys tons of great content in the meantime. But first things first check out our video above to see what’s inside the box. Here’s what we found:

What’s in the box:

Read more: Pixel 2 Unboxing [Q&A]

Ask us anything!

Now it’s time for audience participation. We want to hear from you guys. What questions, comments, or concerns do you have about the Pixel 2XL? Let us now by leaving a comment down below and I’ll answer the best ones in future guides and videos. Don’t forget you can also check out the Pixel 2 XL forums to further the conversation and talk with other potential or current Pixel 2 XL owners.

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