
Here’s how Google plans to make money from Google Assistant

At Google I/O, the Big G introduced “Actions on Google” which would be a new way for you to interact with the likes of Google Assistant. These actions would be made available to any device running Google Assistant and can help you perform an array of tasks, including the ability to make purchases with nothing more than your voice.

However, seeing as Google is in the business of making money, there were some wondering how Google would be capitalizing on this new move. We now have our answer as Google’s senior VP of ads and commerce, Sridhar Ramaswamy, shared the information at the Google Marketing Next conference.

When making purchases through Google Assistant, you will see selected partners at the top of the list. These partners are working with Google, and will give Google a kickback in what was called “the equivalent of an affiliate fee.”

We first got an idea of this earlier this year when Google Assistant made mention of Beauty and the Beast when users asked their Google Home for a daily agenda. This was just a paid advertisement, but definitely threw users through a loop, as there was no mention of the ad being played beforehand.

However, Ramaswamy stated in the interview that Google’s primary focus at this time has nothing to do with ads or making money from Assistant. This is due to the company’s efforts to continue improving the user experience, making sure that all the t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted before rolling out more ads to users.

While you can rest easy knowing that ads won’t be showing up regularly on your Google Home just yet, there’s definitely a chance this could change in the future.


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