
Motorola guarantees 12 Moto Mods this year, plans at least 3 years for the tech


Late last year, Motorola revealed that their goal was to provide 4 new Moto Mods per quarter for their Moto Z phones (or any other upcoming phones which may use them). That would amount to 16, but it seems Motorola can now guarantee a solid 12 of them will launch.

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The revelation happened at the company’s re-launch in Pakistan. Unfortunately, Motorola still didn’t offer any details on what these would be, but we’re betting that the winners of the Motorola’s IndieGoGo contest are involved.

Another new tidbit we hadn’t heard before: Motorola plans to keep the Moto Mod train going for at least 3 years, which is much longer than LG managed to last with the LG G5’s take on the modularity concept.

It’s a good thing, that, because we’d hate to have to spend hundreds on Moto Mods only for them to be useless whenever we choose to upgrade. With luck, everything will go well and Moto Mods will become a staple feature of Lenovo’s phones for years to come.

[via Tribune]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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