
Verizon to prevent remaining Galaxy Note 7s from making calls, charge users for phones


Apparently, there’s still a sizable coalition of Galaxy Note 7 owners at Verizon who simply refuse to give their phones back. Even after Verizon issued Samsung’s battery-killing update, they revealed to Fortune that thousands of customers haven’t been responsive to their recall efforts.

The company says that they will be going further with their efforts. The first is a software update that will look to completely neuter phone calls on the devices, save for a 911 call for those in need of emergency assistance. Trying to make a call would send the user to Verizon’s customer service line so they can get the rundown on why they need to return their phones.

And if that doesn’t work? Verizon is willing to charge users for the phone seeing as how they’ve already reimbursed Galaxy Note 7 owners with the full retail cost of their purchase. That only sounds fair if those remaining users have received that reimbursement and are still hanging onto the devices.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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