
This gorgeous smart lamp lets you paint your walls with light [VIDEO]


The defacto smart bulb on the market today is Phillips Hue, but newcomer Luke Roberts has a smart lamp solution they’re showcasing and it won our hearts. Rather than a single bulb, this smart lamp can shower light in all directions – even upwards towards the ceiling – allowing users to adjust the mood of an entire room with a fun and intuitive app.

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Your finger is the brush, your phone is the palette, and the walls are your canvas: NOW PAINT!

The app allows you to adjust the location/direction of the light, brightness, colors, and then save combinations as settings that you can easily flip through. The app’s simplicity, smart lamp’s quick response time, and association with painting make this an experience I’m dying to try in my own house.

Smart Bulbs vs Smart Lamps

Luke Phillips is making a huge bet that smart bulbs are just a transitional technology filling a void until better tech makes it obsolete. We have to agree that the reasons are compelling.

Smart bulbs can only emit 1 color at a time and at a 1 brightness, whereas smart lamps can emit several colors at variable brightness, allowing for a very dynamic experience and look.Smart lamps are also much brighter, outputting light equivalent to 4 smart bulbs and in any direction- even upwards!

How long will it last?

This is where things get really interesting: the Luke Roberts Smart Lamp can detect when you’re in the room, turning the lamp off when you’re away to conserve energy. The LEDs have a lifetime of 60,000 hours at full power, claims the company, meaning the lamp will easily last 10+ years.

In addition to presence detection, the system will also attempt to learn your behaviors, adjusting automatically based on what it things you may want when it automatically turns on. For example, it may softly light a path to the bathroom if you wake up in the middle of the night, or dim your entertainment room perfectly when your favorite TV show starts.

How much does it cost?

Originally launched as an IndieGoGo campaign that obliterated its goal, you can still purchase directly through that crowd funding site. Right now a single bulb will cost you about $600 bucks with delivery estimated in March 2017.

That may seem like a lot initially, but if the lamp does last 10 years as promised, you’d be paying less than a 17 cents a day to literally light up your life by painting your mood on the wall. Instead of arguing about the time value of money, let’s allow some reviews to roll in to see how these things fare in the real world.

Are you in the market for a smart lamp? And if so, what do you have your eye on?

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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