
Would you buy an S-Pen for your Samsung Galaxy S8?


With the Galaxy Note 7 out of the picture, the best smartphone on the market with an S-Pen is the Samsung Galaxy Note 5. We’re not expecting to get another Note until late 2017, but Samsung might be wanting to offer a little something ahead of then.

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Rumors out of China suggest Samsung was toying around with the idea of including an S-Pen into the body of the Samsung Galaxy S8, however those plans were reportedly scrapped after it was found to be too awkward to engineer.

Instead, Samsung may offer it as an external accessory. We’re not sure if it would come standard in every box or if you would have to buy one separately like the iPad Pro’s Apple Pen, but either way it’d be a pretty big deal. This would effectively dash any major reason to wait for a Note smartphone later in the year for those who buy the Note purely for its S-Pen functionality.

That said, there’s something to be said about the convenience of being able to stow the pen inside the phone itself, and that could still make the Note a more attractive option for some. Where do you stand on it? Would you pass up a Galaxy Note if you could get an S-Pen for the Galaxy S8?

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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