
The latest version of Google Play Music indicates we may be getting an autoplay option


Google has pushed a new update to the Play Music application which doesn’t change much within, but shows indications of a future option that we’ve been waiting for. In the APK teardown by Android Police, a string of code shows that Google may include the option to autoplay content upon opening the application.

<string name=”pb_opt_out_title”>Autoplay</string>
<string name=”pb_opt_out_summary”>Automatically start music when you open the app</string>

In addition to autoplay, there is more code that shows Google may be planning to allow for a change in audio quality when downloading. The code shows that users may be able to set quality preferences when listening over Wi-Fi, as well for when we are listening over LTE.

As previously stated, there’s no indication as to when or if these features will become available to everyone. Regardless, it seems that Google is setting the wheels in motion, but we’ll have to wait to see what’s coming.

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