
WhatsApp will let you lock conversations with a passcode


New evidence of even more security coming to WhatsApp has surfaced. New strings for the app suggest we’re getting conversation passcodes.

The feature sounds straight forward: set a 6-digit code that you need to enter to gain access to your conversations. It sounds like there’s also an option to recover the passcode using your email address if you ever forget it.

We’re not sure on the details as the feature has yet to be implemented. There’s no indication on whether the passcode will apply to all your conversations or if you can have different codes for different conversations. The latter may be overkill for some, but you can never go wrong with too much security.

In any case, it’s yet another example of WhatsApp putting privacy first, with the company already having implemented full end-to-end encryption for all conversations. That sort of encryption keeps remotely snooping eyes out, but this one will ensure someone can’t eavesdrop on your communications if they somehow get their hands on your phone, too. Fingers crossed it won’t take long to get this feature inside the app.

[via Android Authority]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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