
While Google merely teases the Pixel, Nest jumps the gun and actually gives us a full visual of it [VIDEO]


Google set an exciting October 4th date, and that can only be for one thing (or more, hopefully): Pixel, baby. We’re expecting 2 HTC-made phones (Pixel and Pixel XL), and if we’re lucky we may even get news on that new 7-inch tablet Huawei has in the works.

It seems some arms of Google’s new-age machine couldn’t quite contain their excitement, though. The company has only been willing to give us silhouettes to date, but Nest thought it wise to show an actual unit in use in one of their ads (seen above, still below).


Of course, it’s no harm at this point considering we’re getting clearer and clearer looks at the smartphone each and every day with little mystery left in terms of its design and features. Still, we imagine someone’s going to get a stern talking to over there.

As for a more tease-like teaser, you can see Google’s first one straight ahead. Also, be sure to check out 43 photos of everything we’ve uncovered from the new madeby.google site!

[via Android Police]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

43 photos from Google’s new Pixel site

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